♡ A Typical Love Story ♡

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Summary: It's your typical teenage romance, but Oz wants it to be a bit more than that.

A/N: This one is very short and very simple, enjoy!

Day #7: First "I Love You"

Oz and Milo just started dating a few months ago and they did everything the typical teenage romance did. Milo stole Oz's sweatshirts, Oz would show up on Milo's Instagram, and they both spent time with each other. As I said, typical teenage romance.

Oz was ready for it to evolve past that though. They have held hands, cuddled, and kissed each other; but Oz was ready to confess his love to Milo. However, upon asking his friends about the issue, they were all against it. They claimed it was too early to say, 'I love you' or that Oz wouldn't actually mean it, which confused the hell out of Oz.

He was under the impression that Milo and him loved each other by default because... well they were partners, but I guess not? Anyway, Oz was stuck in this conflict for weeks, trying to wait for the right moment to say these stupid three words to his amazing partner that he loved.

It didn't feel wrong at all to say, but everyone around him was against the idea. So he held off on it, but the more he hung around Milo, the more he thought about the internal conflict happening in his mind.

One day, Milo was hanging out with Oz in his bedroom. Oz was working on his English essay while Milo was on their phone, cuddled to the side of him wearing Oz's favorite yellow hoodie.
The fearling absent-mindedly ran his hand through Milo's hair. That's when Oz decided to rip off the bandaid and just say what's been on his mind.

"Hey, Milo?" Oz asks while looking away from his computer screen over to his partner, he gets a small hum in response.

"Is it weird if I say that I love you?"

The room went silent and Oz could see a blush slowly grow on Milo's face, as they tried to cover their face with their arms. The two just sat there with the question lingering in the air above them, forcing this unnecessary tension to clog up the room.

"Umm," Milo starts, mouth covered by the sleeves of Oz's hoodie. "I don't suppose so?" They finish, though it almost sounded like a question near the end. This was their first serious relationship, neither of them had to deal with this strange conversation before, or if this conversation was even normal to have in relationships.

"You know what, forget about it, I'm sorry-" Oz says, really quick to crumble to the opinions of everyone else in his life.

"Wait so you don't love me then?" Milo asks with a slight smile, making direct eye contact with Oz. They caused the boy to blush and pull his legs up to his chest just to cover his face.

"Well... I didn't say that..." Oz whispers into his legs, which causes Milo to laugh and kiss the boy on his cheek which is still slightly exposed.

"Ozzie," Milo said while lifting up his head slightly so he wasn't covering it anymore. "It's up to you whenever you first say, 'I love you' and It's up to me whenever I reply." The reaper states while rubbing Oz's cheek with their thumb, the boy leans into the touch.

"Then I love you." Oz says and Milo smiles before leaning in to kiss Oz's forehead.

"Thank you, darling." That was all they said back as a reply. Despite it not being the 'correct' answer back, Oz honestly didn't mind. Milo wasn't ready to say it back, and he was perfectly okay with that.

Months after that conversation, Oz would continue to say the phrase to Milo, and the reaper would always respond with a simple, 'thank you' every single time. That was until tonight when Oz was just about to go to bed, he checked Instagram one last time because he noticed Milo posted to their story.

Oz was shocked by what they posted. It was a picture of the two in Oz's bedroom the day he said 'I love you' for the first time, and the caption made his heart race.

'I love you too'

Oz texted a little heart to Milo before laying in his bed attempting to go to sleep, however, he couldn't. Milo just said I love you. Oz didn't mind the simple 'thank you's he got before, but this was an entirely new feeling. The world officially knew they loved each other, and Oz couldn't wrap his mind around it, so he laid awake all night thinking about the love of his life.

Milo x Oz One-shots (Request's are always open)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя