♡ Ripped Pages and Floral Arrangements ♡

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Summary: Oz keeps leaving love poems on Milo's desk in order to hint at his crush towards the reaper. Milo finds out quickly that Oz ws leaving the notes, but decides to make a surprise for him in return.

A/N: I just got back from a 13 hour shift... kill me lol

Day #4: Love Letters

It all started with Vicky getting sick of Oz pining over Milo, so she suggested writing a love letter in order to share how he feels. Oz didn't see the harm in it, so he wrote a small love letter addressed to Milo. He decided to write a poem because Milo was always open about their fondness for the art form.

So, Oz wrote the short, simple poem in class and then threw it in the trash. Sadly enough, he didn't notice Vicky picking up the poem from the trash and placing it on Milo's desk for the next class period. Luckily, she signed it as a secret admirer, not outing Oz's feelings.

Not even the next day, Milo was gushing about the poem to Oz in the hallway, showing him every line on the familiar paper. Oz was a little bit panicked to say the least; saying the most, he was fucking terrified. He almost strangled Vicky when he got back to the color crew's apartment, but luckily Amira was there to prevent the murder.

"Why did you give them the poem, Vick!?" Oz shouts out while struggling to release himself from Amira's arms. Vicky just looked at him and laughed at their predicament, she knew if Oz even tried to hurt her, it would leave a tiny bruise at most.

"Ozzie, just calm down for a minute, and let's go over what happened, alright?" Vicky states calmly while leaning against their kitchen counter and Oz sank into Amira's arms in defeat. Amira dropped Oz off on the couch before heading off to her room and Vicky sat down with Oz.

"Look," Vicky started and Oz turned his head towards her. "I know what I did was wrong, but I know you were never going to confess to Milo on your own. Just think about it like this, Milo got a love note from a secret admirer, so there's no target on your back. So, you're free to just drop it and continue to stall asking them out."

The last bit Vicky said was a bit passive-aggressive, however, most of it was sincere and Oz didn't have it in him to stay mad at his friend. Plus she was right, Milo didn't know who the note was from, so Oz wasn't expected to do anything about it.

However, that thought was a little bit more haunting than the note itself. That note was the key for Oz confessing to Milo, or Milo confessing to Oz, whichever came first really.

So, if Oz continued writing those poems to Milo, then they would slowly fall in love with him; even if it was just through his writing. This was Oz's angle, and he was going to try and use it.

So, at about 2 AM at night, he ripped a bit of paper out of his notebook and started writing another poem for Milo. Oz wasn't really a good writer, much preferring more structured topics such as math and history where there was only one right answer; but this was different. When Oz was writing for Milo, it was almost as if all his creativity and inspiration were being directly tapped into. It came easily to him, god he's falling too hard for this enby.

The next day, Oz left a new poem on Milo's desk in their shared fifth period and waited for Milo to arrive. The reaper ended up coming ten minutes late, which was actually early for their regular attendance, and they wasted no time throwing their bag on the ground by their desk and opening the poem. Oz watched Milo's eyes go from magenta to light pink while reading the note and the fearling smiled to himself.

Milo could barely focus in class, trying to figure out who their secret admirer was. Surely it had to be someone in this room because the janitor would've thrown away this note if it was left before class started. It was puzzling Milo so much that they didn't even notice that the bell rang and Oz was standing at their desk waiting for them.

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