♡ Rain Rain Go Away ♡

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Summary: Oz was never a fan of rain, especially storms. So, when it started to thunder the boy was visiting Milo, the reaper tried their best to comfort their boyfriend.

A/N: Day 17 already, damn...

Day #17: Rainy Day

Milo and Oz had a group project together in their Chemistry class and decided it would be best to meet up outside of school to get it done. At least that's what they believed would happen, but the reality couldn't be more different.

In reality, Milo and Oz were chilling at the reapers apartment, watching some random show that was interesting enough to distract from the project. Despite cursing himself for not working on the project, Oz couldn't help but appreciate the moment he was spending with his partner.

The two were both really busy monsters, considering they were balancing school work, immortal duties, and paying rent all at the same time. So, when they were able to have small, simple moments like this... Oz just embraced the time they had together, regardless if he had anything else to do. It was their moment, and it couldn't get more peaceful.

That was when Oz heard it, a small tap of something on Milo's window. He looked over to the direction of the sound, trying to figure out what it was, that was before he heard another, and another... and another.

The soft sound of raindrops hitting Milo's roof was echoing through their apartment and Oz felt his hair stand up on his arms. The rain always overwhelmed him. It felt as though he was being attacked on all sides by a sensory overload, but it could be worse, it could be thundering.

Right as that thought came into his mind, a giant crash was heard in the distance and Oz jumped. Milo took notice of Oz's change in mood, wrapping their arms around the fearling and pulling him closer.

"Looks like it's gonna be a pretty bad storm," Milo states absentmindedly while staring out their window and Oz couldn't help but let out a pathetic whimper.

"You good?" Milo asks while forcing Oz to make eye contact with them. That's when the enby noticed that Oz's eyes look bloodshot, despite not having blood in the first place. His eyes had slightly visible marks around them, showing the most fear the reaper had ever seen on him; and let me tell you, fear was not a good look on Oz.
"Oh Ozzie, what's up?" Milo asks, which caused Oz to sigh before sitting up slightly against the couch, still in the reaper's arms.

"I know it's kind of stupid, but I've always had a hard time whenever it comes to rain. Whenever it starts raining I can't help but shake and become terrified." Oz explains in a soft, almost embarrassed tone while hiding his face in Milo's arm.

"Awwww, is the embodiment of fear themself scared of a little rain?" Milo teases and Oz grabs one of their many throw pillows and shoves it in their face.

"Shush, it's not the most unbelievable thing I'm scared of and you know it." Oz jokes and Milo shoves the pillow away from their face, pushing it back at Oz.

"Yeah, I think the award goes to when you used to be scared of me." Milo teases with a smirk playing on their lips and Oz's face flushed at the memories.

"Shut up, you were very intimidating when we first met. Whenever I said anything at immortal conferences, you would side-eye the hell out of me!" Oz shouts while fighting back against the pillow, promptly losing after Milo climbs on top of him and shoves the pillow into his chest.

"I thought you liked it when I was intimidating..." Milo whispers into Oz's ear while holding his chin in their hands.

"Milloooo..." Oz complains while pushing his partner off of him, causing the reaper to laugh as they fell to the floor.

As if to kill the mood, lightning struck again and Oz nearly jumped out of his skin(?). Milo looked up at their boyfriend from the floor before leaving the room for a minute, returning with a box in their hands. Oz knew curiosity killed the cat, but he didn't think he would mind the feeling of death, I mean he was already dating a grim reaper.

"What's in the box?" Oz asks from the couch and Milo sits down cross-legged next to him. They opened the box and there was a brand new pair of headphones laying inside, which seemed to be at least a hundred dollars.

"Some upstart headphone brand sent me some products to try out in hopes of a sponsorship, and I think now would be the perfect time to test them." Milo explains while pulling out the headphones and handing them to Oz, who took them gratefully.

Oz had to admit, these headphones were magical. The noise canceling was so strong, he didn't even have to play music to drown out the sound of the rain around him. He gave Milo a thumbs up, which caused them to laugh before connecting the headphones to their laptop where the two were watching their show earlier.

As if it wasn't pouring outside, the two went back to that peaceful moment that got rudely interrupted by the storm. Every now and then a flash of lightning would shine through the window, causing Oz to become hyper-aware; but Milo would just hold onto him tighter until he calmed down.

The two stayed like that throughout the whole storm, which ended up lasting till the next morning. Despite Oz staying the night at Milo's house, they still haven't touched their chemistry project, but the two couldn't really find it in themselves to care.

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