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Memories of Nina settled in my mind to lift my worry up high, and the feeling had me sitting in an usual amount of discomfort. I had been at my desk for the past hour trying to focus on the paperwork, which had to be completed for my return to the palace by the end of the week, but I couldn't...


I couldn't...

A sigh escaped me as I pushed my head back to stare at the ceiling before returning my gaze to the work before me. I wasn't sure what I was feeling or why but I knew I was, this lingering worry that held hints of a nagging feeling that made it all distracting. That made it all difficult.


I couldn't...

The mere thought that the woman who had been saving my people had to bury one of her own, was...I didn't even know the name of the woman who had passed, I didn't even know if Nina was okay and the thought that she could possibly be battling with all that I did, made me uncomfortable.


I couldn't...

I couldn't, and after all the time that had rolled on by, I had come to realise that statement was built of nothing but complete honesty with the hands of reality. I couldn't sit here while she mourned the life of one of her people who fought for people who weren't her own. I couldn't sit here knowing she probably felt as heavy as I did, it was selfish, and checking on her was the least I could after all she had done despite my lack of...everything.


I couldn't...

I stood from my seat with a sigh and without any remaining reluctance, I exited my tent, making my way over to the Alkebulan's section of the camp. My mind's perfectly held memory of the camp's layout stood in my mind as I walked until I arrived at the entrance of her tent.

The entrance was down, but the glow from the light and shadow that could be seen from the outside, where I stood, had me knowing that she was still awake. So I lifted a hand and tapped at the entrance gently, and after a few seconds it was lifted, allowing me to be left with the sight of her.

"Giana," She greeted before glancing over her shoulder and then returning her silver eyes to me. "I thought the updates would be given tomorrow instead of tonight?"

"Yeah, they are, I just," I started but stopped as my words struggled to leave me since they were not familiar with expressing themself freely, and not for the purpose of serving under my title. "I came to check on you Nina,"

My words were met with a frown and complete silence as she simply stared at me, and I tried my best to, but I couldn't read her to create any assumptions of where her mind currently was. My lack of ability to do so, only prompted my anxiety and doubts to take the stage and convince me that I had overstepped, and she simply did not want me here.

Of course she wouldn't I haven't been...we aren't close.

"I will take my leave," I stated, cowering behind my anxiety and doubts as I turned to leave, but a grasp on my hand kept me from doing so, and had my gaze returning to meet hers.

She didn't utter a word, she simply guided me inside before releasing my hand and recovering the entrance.

The smell of lavender and mint drowned my senses in a much larger amount as I settled into the space of her tent, and I watched as she walked over to a desk where an open jar was laid.

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