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Frustration and guilt roamed throughout my vessel as the events of my meeting with Kai continued to stand in my mind. It was as if the ease that the sleep Nina's tea created had been viciously beaten out of my body, and I was now left feeling drained on top of everything else, which is why I was currently moving towards the training room.


My feet landed before the open door, and with my arrival, came the sight of Nina levitating over one of the many sparring mats in the room, in what I knew was mediation; mediation that I wished not to disturb since after observing the Alkebulans over the last few weeks, I had come to realise how important and sacred the act was.

My most frequent sightings of them meditating was after they had healed multiple soldiers—my people, they drifted off into meditation, it seemed to be required, a ritual of sorts.

Silence seemed to be preferred by them but it was not needed since I saw them, especially Nina, meditate in total chaos that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts in to properly think, but nonetheless, I decided to take a seat at the entrance to grant her the silence under the instruction of the gratitude I felt for her.

She kept my people breathing.

A small sigh erupted from my lips as I shifted to grow more comfortable in the seat I recently took, whilst planting my eyes onto her vessel that held a glowing outline of green around it, which I had yet to discover the meaning for.

The colour was always different, varying from green, red, orange, to yellow and so on, and I sometimes wished to question the fact, but decided against it out of fear of my inquiries being deemed as disrespectful since being around them for long periods of time, had me realising just how ignorant I was when it came to their beliefs and lifestyle.

I found my silence to be the most giving sign of gratitude that I could offer since my words, and knowledge didn't have the power to carry it across. So I gave silence when I could as a thank you for the lives saved, for my people.

Nina's long auburn hair that was curly with locs at the end settled around her beautifully, as she continued to meditate with her back turned to me. The first time I had decided to really sew my attention onto her, her hair was what presented itself as the first piece of fabric.

The sight of it was one I had never really witnessed before, with the mixture being foreign to my eyes, and confusing if I must say since I was caught between how she maintained the togetherness of her locs, while also maintaining the separation of her curls.

I wondered about what she used for the different forms her hair took on.

I wonder if it was a planned or a spur-of-the-moment thing since the four locs at the front were fully maintained with retwists when needed.

My orbs remained glued onto her as her body began returning to the sparring mat below her at a slow pace.

"I can feel you," She announced the second she exited her state of meditation, with her back still facing me.

"I know," I told her since I had now become more familiar with the fact after the last few weeks, that Alkebulans were even more powerful than we had been taught. Nina seemed to be aware of all, to what extent I wasn't quite sure. "I didn't want to disturb you,"

With my words came a hum from her, but not a glance as her eyes remained planted before her, and the fact had me preparing my intended words of gratitude.

I refrained from using words for so long because even if I had the knowledge, the suppression of my own thoughts of emotions for so long left me lost on how to express them. My voice lost its power to matter a long time ago, unless it was to agree with someone else or be of service to them.

I was lost on how to express myself, but for the first time, I was planning to speak with my words and not my silence.

"Thank you for the tea,"

"It was my pleasure Giana," She replied in her usual tone that always emitted a sense of calm and confidence. "I'm guessing you slept well,"

"I did,"

Another hum from her

Not a glance in my direction


"You feel tense," She pointed out suddenly but I was used to it by now, her abrupt sentences. "And very stressed,"

I responded with silence because I really didn't feel like talking about what I was battling with while we were in the middle of the war, it wasn't important, and even if I was, I wasn't sure I had the words or ability to express myself.

I didn't feel like talking, especially with her, but it wasn't because—I mean her presence alone stripped me of my control and I didn't want to—

"Still don't trust me?" Nina asked me with her eyes still planted before her.

I don't know—I mean—I c—

"No," I spoke after cutting off my own thoughts, even though I wasn't quite sure what I felt when it came to her. It was hard to fight someone, who fought alongside you, who I watched saved what I cared about the most, my people, and once again

Another hum from her

Not a glance in my direction


And in return, I stood to my feet to walk over to the case that held the gloves I—

"Well, I hope this helps," Nina stated in reference to what she knew was the fight I was about to indulge in with the punching bags, and I turned my head to gaze behind me in her direction, allowing her silver eyes that were already planted on me to bore into my own orbs.

Her gaze remained with mine for a few more short-lived seconds that felt like hours to me before she turned and moved to exit the gym, and I found myself silently wishing she had stayed since her presence was a distraction for my busy mind, it always was.

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