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"General!" A soldier called loudly, breaking the exchange of Jular and I's words as we looked towards the entrance of the tent. My eyes awaited the sight of the source of the call while my feet pulled me to stand, under the prompt of the panic in his voice.

Panic that had the knees of my sanity buckling under pressure, and that fact only increased as he came into sight bloody and in distress.

"Soldiers General!" He called out, and the mere statement was enough for shock to release its hold on me as I rushed outside. My eyes caught the sight of my on camp soldiers carrying the bodies of our injured ones, and as my eyes roamed the numbers increased, one in particular looking to be on the last inch of life.


My worry pushed me towards the man who was laying on the ground, and the instant I arrived, I fell to my knees right next to hope with a scan of my eyes in search of the source of the blood. Blood that had all the moments of war drowning my mind, especially my own greetings with death.

"G—general attend to the others...I'm alre—I'm dead," He forced out weakly between even weaker breaths as I found the wound, and I immediately applied pressure to it with a press of my palm.

"You're going to be okay," I told him as I used my other hand to place his arm around my neck, and as I stood with him assistance came as Jular rushed over to me from the medical tent to hold our brother from the other side.



"Shh, save your strength," I told him, feeling his warm blood push against my hand for release as I sent a glance into his lost and weak eyes.


"Keep your eyes open," I spoke with panic, worry and pain pushing my voice to higher volume while the cries of agony echoed in my ears.

Our bodies burst through the entrance of the medical tent, leaving me to see just how many of my people were injured. The weight of reality brought shame to the weight of our dying brother in our arms, as I continued to press the palm of my hand into his open wound.


"Place him here," I heard a familiar voice call out, and I turned my head to see Nina pointing to white covered wooden table. I wasted no time as I moved with Jular to do just that, and I stood there looking at him. "Hand me a blend,"

"We are out," Someone yelled back, and it had the many emotions in me rising in panic as my heart slammed rapidly against my chest, leaving it constricted and growing painfully tight from the pressure.


The word shouted in my mind, and the power of the sound sent my body turning around the room to catch sight of the many soldiers. I could hear death knocking and the sound had my head pounding from the pressure, as my ears grew numb before exploding with a high pitched ringing that was the most peaceful from all I felt.


"You're going to be okay," I heard Nina say, leaving my eyes to snap back to my soldier, but I knew he didn't have much time left, and if they were out of the healing mixture the—


"Hold my hand," Nina guided as she took his hand in hers and he did as told, squeezing hers as much as his weak body would allow. "Look into my eyes,"

I watched as he stared into her eyes weakly, and I could see the torment in his, the lack of fight...

I could see him leaving.

The room began to spin as my mind quickly gathered the amount of men and women I was destined to lose, the amount of souls that would die to—


I could feel myself beginning to panic as the emotions I had been trying desperately to hold down since the war had started...since forever, began to rise. My body felt hot and the fact prompted me to lift one of my bloody hands, using the back of it to wipe the sweat away from my hairline. I felt as if I was about to pass out from all the—


I felt...

I felt...

I fel—

The sound of Nina's low voice greeted my ears as I continued to stand frozen in my spot under the hold of emotions, and the sound had me looking to her and then back to him, and I could see life returning in his eyes as she continued to speak.

Second after second

Word after word

He returned...

"You're okay," She told him and it had him feeling his stomach with his hand the second she released it in gentleness.

"Nina!" Another voice called out, and she followed the voice with a frown on her face, before pushing past Jular and I to travel somewhere else as I stood there.


The mental thought had me pushing away everything I felt as I led the man to sit up.

"How are you feeling?"

"Okay, but weak," He groaned as he sat up while still touching his stomach in disbelief.

"Jular will bring you to rest," I told him and Jular took him, doing just that as I turned back to the room that was still filled with dying men and women.



I quickly moved to meet Nina who was busy returning, and the second I arrived before her, the words I had released many times before left my mouth.

"How can I be of service to you?"

The ask had her looking at me with a gentle frown.


"Keep the tables filled with soldiers and then empty them when needed," She guided me and I nodded as she walked past me with my eyes rattled on the space around me in preparation for me to do.


General Giana/GxG/(BWBW)Where stories live. Discover now