Chapter 20 - Forever & Always

Start from the beginning

"She's happy here, this is the first home she's had where she's truly felt safe," Maia knew exactly how Gracie felt about the Tuckers, she and Marco felt the same when they first came to live with them.

"It was like that for all of us. We were all in the system, going from home to home, it was terrifying not knowing where you'd end up next and she's still going through that. We all found our home here and so did Gracie. She's our sister." Riley was met with a moment of quiet.

The Tucker kids had told Gracie repeatedly that she was one of them, but hearing them fight for her like that while they didn't know she was listening confirmed what she hadn't allowed herself to fully believe; that she belonged.

"We will discuss it, but you know how the system works, even if we do agree, her social worker might not, she could still be moved," Stella said.

She was right, if Gracie was being honest with herself, she was surprised she hadn't been rehomed already. Sometimes Anita would move her from home to home without any rhyme or reason. She knew there probably was a reason, but Anita never bothered to tell Gracie so Gracie never bothered to ask.

"We know, which is why we were wondering if you would consider adopting her," Danny said hopefully.

Gracie's heart was beating so loud that she was sure the Tuckers could hear it too. Whatever they said next had the potential to change Gracie's life forever.

"Adoption?" Lilah sounded surprised, "I don't know, kids, that's a pretty big decision."

"She's sixteen, she probably doesn't even want to be adopted."

"I do, I really do," Gracie thought.

"She does," Riley said, "She wants to–no she needs to be safe and loved, and she has that here."

"Please, just think about it," Maia said.

After another short silence, the room broke out in pleas from the Tucker children. Again, Gracie was astonished at how hard they were fighting for her.

"Kids!" Stella brought everyone to silence, "Yes, we will think about it and let you know, but please, no pestering us, no begging, and do not tell Gracie about this. We don't want her to get her hopes up."

It was too late for that, Gracie was already so excited. She heard the shuffles of the kids leaving the kitchen and quickly made her way back upstairs. Riley caught her sneaking back into the bedroom.

"So you were listening in, huh?" Riley said with a smile, which was a good sign.

"I couldn't help it, but did it go well? I mean it sounded like it went well, right?" Gracie was still shaking.

"Don't worry," Riley hugged Gracie, "Whatever happens, whatever they say, they will always look out for you, we'll always be family."

All that was left to do now was wait.

Usually, as the evening rolled around, and the kids went out with their friends or were studying, Gracie's loneliness would take over again, but tonight was different. She finally had hope again, things were good with Rachel, she was catching up with her schoolwork, and best of all, she was so close to having a real family.

She wanted to tell all of her friends, but she knew it wasn't a good idea to tell people when there was still a chance it might not happen, instead, she settled with just telling Rachel. She was the only person who mattered anyway.

After school on Friday, Gracie met up with Rachel on the beach. Feeling her touch made Gracie's whole body tingle as their arms wrapped around each other in a warm embrace, "God, I've missed you," Gracie's eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Me too," Rachel kissed Gracie and the two sat down in their usual spot on the lifeguard tower, "I can't go that long without seeing you again," she said, "It's too hard."

"I know, and it won't happen again, now that I'm back at school and things are getting back to normal, well normal for me, we can make more time for each other."

"Do you have to go to Sarah's tomorrow?" Rachel pleaded, "Can't we do something together? It's about time we went on a real date!"

"I'd love to, but I already promised Riley and Sarah I'd hang out with them, if I cancel on them now they'll know something is up," Gracie explained. She was looking forward to seeing Sarah, but she too wanted to spend as much time with her girlfriend as possible.

"Come on, you see Riley every day, and you're going back to group therapy on Sunday, right? So you can see Sarah then."

"I don't know."

"My mom and my aunt are out of town for a spa weekend, I have the apartment to myself." Rachel was begging, and Gracie couldn't deny her big doe eyes. "You can stay over, tell your foster moms that you're staying at a friend's house, that girl you go to school with. Plus, I have my aunt's car while she's away so I can pick you up and drop you off."

It wasn't the worst idea, the thought of having a whole twenty-four hours with Rachel uninterrupted was tempting, "Okay fine," Gracie caved, "I'll ask Stella and Lilah."

"Yes!" Rachel kissed Gracie, and the two fell into one of their usual make-out sessions.

Each time Gracie met up with Rachel, it got harder and harder to pull herself away.

When Gracie got home she went straight to the kitchen to ask Stella and Lilah if she could spend tomorrow night at Elle's house.

"We have a paper due on Monday and Amy asked if Elle and I could help her, and then we were going to do facemasks and all that girly stuff," Gracie lied to her foster mothers with such ease that it almost scared her, "So, can I go?"

"I don't see why not, as long as you take it easy, you're still recovering," Stella looked at her wife.

"It's fine with me, it's nice to see you making some solid friendships, Gracie," Lilah smiled.

"Yay! Thank you!" Gracie squealed and hugged her foster mothers.

While the rest of her foster siblings were out with their friends, Gracie spent her Friday night finishing her homework; she wasn't lying when she said she had a paper due on Monday. In all of her experience of making things up, she found that the most believable lies are the ones sprinkled with little pieces of truth.

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