Naturally Beautiful, Like You, Annabeth

Start from the beginning

Clearing her throat she coughed into her fist, looking away from him hoping he hadn't seen the red that stained her cheeks and neck. She looked back up when she heard the shuffling of papers, "Alright Ms. Chase, we have the next two hours together so why don't you come over here and help me grade some papers?" Mr. Jackson pursed his mouth, brows furrowing in thought, "How about we make a deal, if we get this done before the two hours, I'll let you leave early?" He asked with a raised, dare she say - teasing brow. Annabeth nibbled on her lip as she played along with his obvious loophole to the rules before she held a hand out to him, "You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Jackson." She smiled the rest of the afternoon even if it had just been small talk between the two as they were both more focused on getting the task done.

Releasing an exaggerated breath Mr. Jackson said, "We got that done much quicker than I anticipated...looks like we make a good team Ms. Chase." He smiled at her and despite herself, she blushed at the compliment, "Well Mr. Jackson, It really wasn't the worst detention I've ever had - not that I've had a lot of detentions just -" Mr. Jackson cut her off with a raspy laugh, "Ms. Chase, I understand." He began putting away some things and said as she stood to grab his jacket that rested over the chair, "Although Ms. Chase if you'd ever consider the position for TA, I'd more than like to have you." He pondered while she gathered her own things, she sputtered out a 'yes' in her surprise and met his smile with an excited one of her own. Aside from this being great for her extra credit, she'd also get to spend more time with him. She smiled to herself the rest of the way home after exchanging numbers with him, so they could create a schedule that would work for them both.


Over the next week, Annabeth met with Professor Jackson at the end of every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Some days she'd bring them coffee, others it would be the professor bringing them treats, they followed a similar pattern over the next three weeks where they'd take ten-minute breaks in between which would then turn to twenty as they got lost in whatever the topic of conversation was that evening.

Annabeth learned a few things about her professor; he used to be a competitive swimmer throughout high school and college. Two, something they bonded over after Annabeth broke down after getting a phone call from her stepmom: Shitty parents, well excluding his mom because the way he described her only made Annabeth want to meet her more - as weird as that might be given he was her professor and all. The last thing she learned was that he'd only been ten years older than her.

Annabeth rushed into the classroom that was their meeting spot, her words spilling from her as she made her way to his desk, "Sorry I'm late, I had to take the long way to avoid this idiot I made the mistake of going out with last year." Closing the door shut behind her, Annabeth turned around to greet Professor Jackson, "but I brought us milkshakes today though. Figured we deserve it after all the hard work we've been doing recently."

He had both his feet crossed and propped up on his desk and held a book in hand but upon her arrival, he quickly closed the book shut and looked up at her with a smile. Annabeth suddenly felt her throat go dry and stared down at him with widened, doe eyes. His shirt fit him in all the right places and his sleeves were rolled up again in the most delicious way, higher this time which displayed the symbol inked into his tanned forearm. His jet black threads of hair sat messily atop his head, perfect for running her hands through. But it wasn't those things that made her gape at him. It was the pair of gold metal-framed glasses adorning his perfectly structured face that magnified his beautiful, turquoise eyes which glittered under the warm, afternoon light that shone from the classroom window. His voice brought her out of the trance she seemed to be in, "See something you like, Miss Chase?" he said in a teasing tone. Annabeth felt as if the sun itself was burning her cheeks up because she'd been caught staring. "Gosh, why do I always have to get so flustered around him?" She quickly tried to compose herself, "N-no sir I-...I just didn't know you wore glasses."

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