revenge served

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They dragged a struggling billy to the chair before Dewey forced him to sit down.while the girls strapped him down. Jocelyn pulls the wrist strap tight as she slammed the spikes down into his left wrist making billy let out a scream as blood starts to flow out. Sidney did the same to his right wrist as she tightened it. before they both did the same thing to his ankles.

Jocelyn and Sidney stand back up as they watch the blood pooling around him as they each grab a different type of knife as they get ready to play a game "now here comes the fun part billy we're gonna play a game called dart's but here's the real kicker your gonna be our real life dart board"a wicked smirk forms on her face as she playfully bit the her lip as she twirls her knife between her fingers.

Billy looks wide eyed before struggling in the chair.first to go was Sidney as she glares deadly at him as she aimed the think butcher knife before throwing it full force as it pierced though his shoulder blade completely breaking through the bone. Billy let's out a scream of agony. Tatum then steps in front of him as she twirls her cutting board knife before throwing it straight into his dick causing him to shout in pain louder making Jocelyn proud as laughs wickedly that he's getting what he deserves this is what happens when your cross a line you shouldn't.

Everyone stared at the screen wide eyed before a excited laugh comes from kol as he runs over to Jocelyn before he twirls her around "you are a genius I'm proud to call you my future sister in law"as he finally lets her go before she and Klaus both go wide eye as they blush while the michaelsons watch amused along with her sister's who are everything but blood.

While the Scooby gang just watch them in disbelief at how they are so carefree with killing while Stu and Billy pale at the screen.

It was then Jocelyn's turn as she held a double bladed axe as she walks through the large pool of blood on the floor as she twirls it in her hands "you see billy you crossed a line when it comes to the people I care see I don't take it well when they get killed or hurt as you can tell by the position your in"she says as she curls around him like a predator about to strike there pray." I tend to get revenge on those who dare hurt the ones I care about or love as you can tell by tonight and how Stu is now dead"she stated before coming to the side of him "you see I have a special death for you it happens to involve a classic childhood favorite of mine you know what the red queen in Alice in wonderland did to those who crossed her"as Billy's eyes go wide in realization as he starts struggling in the chair knowing what's about to happen as she smirks deadly before gripping the axe as she lifts it up" she would always with your head!"she yells excitedly as she swung the axe straight through his neck and bone fully cutting off his head as it rolls off on to the floor as blood flows and sprayed from the neck.

Jocelyn closed her eyes she finally got revenge for Casey and saved many more life's from two stupid little boys who tried playing in a deadly game. As she gently runs a hand in hair that is soaked with blood but didn't care before opening her eyes as she and the others share a look it was finally over...or so they thought. They all just stare at the decapitated billy before they got rid of the body as they burned it to ash and throwing the stone box they are in in the pound as it sank all the way down.

"Did you take care of gale Dewey"Jocelyn said as she turned to her honorary brother.

"Yes I compelled her to go home and to finish her book so nobody is her but us"he informed her as she lets out a hum before they all stare at the house where everything went down they all turned walking away from the house into the dead of night to the next part of there life's as everything goes black.

Everyone sat there as the movie finished all silent before the women comes back from before "the first movie is done soon the next one will start but for now rest we will start the second movie in the morning we will also have a few more people join us"she announced before disappearing leaving them in silence once more.

Billy and Stu turned to Jocelyn who raised an eyebrow at them"so you knew our plan the entire time"billy said as anger starts boiling inside of him.

"Of course I know for one I'm a vamywho can hear your heart beat and then it was plain obvious by Stu's behavior at lunch that day at school then yours the night sidney was attacked."she stated with a glare as the tention growls causing everyone to tense not knowing what's gonna happen.

Billy stands up bristling with anger"you bitch you ruined everything we had a plan and you fucking ruined it!"he shouts before charging at her but gasp when her hand lashed out grabbing him by the neck as she left off the ground as he struggles to breath "you were just a boy who couldn't stand that his mother left her when your dad had an affair with Sidney's mom so technically you got your revenge but no that wasn't enough Even tho you killed her mother you wanted more will guess what life is cruel and we don't always get what we want plus there is no way y'all could have come up with this on your own so sit down and shut the hell up now"she growls in his face before throwing him in to Stu who both looked to see.

Both the Michaelson and the rest of there group glaring at the two of them.

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