the decision

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Jocelyn is shown slowly pacing as Dewey asked about where her father was.she noticed him looking at Sidney through the blinds so she steps in the way with a glare at the boy. As she waits she can hear the whole interrogation with her vampire hearing.

"Let me ask this,what are you doing with a cellular telephone,son"sheriff's voice.

"Everyone's got one sheriff I didn't make those calls .I swear"Billy's voice.

"Why don't you check the phone bill,for Christ vital phone comp.they got records of every number dialed"Billy's farther.

"Thanks hank we're on top of it.what were you doing at Sidney's house tonight "sheriff's voice.

"I wanted to see her that's all."Billy's voice.

"And last night? sidney said you crawled through her window last night too."sheriff's voice.

This caused Jocelyn to slightly tilt her head as she continues to listen.

"You went out last night "Billy's dad

"I was watching a I got board I decided to go for a ride."Billy's voice.

"You happen to ride by Casey Beckers house"sheriff's voice.

" I didn't.sheiff I didn't kill anybody "Billy's voice and that was all Jocelyn needed to know as she heard his heart beat jump meaning he was say she was pissed was an understatement but she already as a plan for what she's going to do she's not going to lose anyone els.

She put the pieces together in her head those grunts the killers made were familiar and the way Stu acted at lunch early that day just confirmed her answer she now knows one of the killers is billy and the other is most likely Stu.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Tatum called her name"Jocelyn come on we're leaving"she turns her head to see them heading out so she follows.

Soon they are shown existing out of the back way while Dewey left to get the car the girls waited until groaning when the heat a very familiar annoying voice" There she is Sidney!" As they turn around to see Gale weathers ounce again rushing towards them with a camera as others follow her.

"Don't you ever give them a break"Klaus says annoyed with the women.

Jocelyn scuffs "no it didn't take her until the second massacre"causing the Scooby gang and her brothers to look confused

But before Sidney or Tatum can do anything Jocelyn steps in front of them as she glares down gale weathers."listen you little Leach I don't how many time both Tatum and I have said to leave Sidney alone obviously we're going to have to go with my way so I'm gonna give you one more chance to take a hint an leave us the fuck alone or I will ruin your life got it"Jocelyn says into a ear.she can feel Gale weathers body shake from fear before she leans back locking eyes with her before she turns around to the girls.

But Gale still decided to be stupid not knowing who she's really dealing with "I can see you don't know who I am. I'm gale weathers and I'm writing a book if your nicer I can send you a---"she didn't even get to finish when sudden she is suddenly back handed by Jocelyn as she fell to the floor with a very bruised jaw and a bloody mouth everyone stared wide eyed at Jocelyn while Sidney and Tatum secretly smirked at one another before Dewey had arrived to bring them back home.

It was silent through the car ride until Jocelyn spoke "alright guys ive got to talk to y'all about something important"she told them as it became deadly serious in the car "so after what has happened in the past two in a half days alone with the killings and attacks I know who the killers are"she says as they all share a look.

"Who are they"Sidney asked as she turns to Jocelyn

"It's billy and Stu I've put the pieces together think about the way Stu described on how you gut someone and I heard billy s heart beat jump during his interrogation about going to Casey Beckers house and claiming he didn't kill her."Jocelyn explained her facts that she witnessed today.

"So what do we do"Sidney asked with a a glint in her eyes she was pissed.

"I was thinking and I want this to be y'all's choice cause I got a feeling it's not over with and that tomorrow is gonna be the big blood bath I can't let anyone of you due your all family to me so...if you want u can make you immortal like me you would be stronger and to protect yourself self and don't worry about the bloodlust I'll help you control it but it's y'all's choice "she says looking at each one of them as they all think before the three in front of her sure a look before looking back at Jocelyn.

"Yes we want to turn"Sidney says as they all nod meaning they want to turn.

"Alright so in order for y'all to turn is for you to die with vampire blood in your system so Dewey we need to do this before we get to yours and Tatum's house and I had gotten hot in contact with a good friend of mine I already had y'all's day rings ready for the day y'all turned they're like mine but with y'all's families last name initial."she explained as she showed them her day light ring with her families last name initial crest for Salvatore.

So they head to were Jocelyn secret place is to do all this.

It was silent before Elena angryly whirls around on Jocelyn "how could you just turn them nobody deserves that curse"she says stumping over to Jocelyn as everyone watches silently.

Jocelyn turns to her with a glare as she stood to her full height"listen here I did what I had to do to protect the ones I love unlike you who left heels in the dark about the real dangerous out there .how els are they gonna protect them self with yourself as a weak whining human who can even handle who my brothers really before you come at me take a real good hard look at your self before you judge me when you lied to everyone before they either got hurt or killed"she growls with each step as tears slide down Elena's face nobody did anything cause it's true what would happen if some supernatural had attacked them when nobody is around it would end bloody.

Her brothers were deep in thought it was true what Jocelyn said as they stared sadly at the sister who they abandon when she was just trying to protect them when the lights started to dim ounce again.

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