the final face off part 2

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Stefan and Damon just stare at their sister on screen before turning to their sister who was smirking with her friends as they frowned knowing its their fault that she is this way. Elena glares at Jocelyn on how she can be so heartless while her two best friends where giving her not to piss of someone who can kill her without blinking.

Soon Billy and Stu are seen being dragged in I'm the kitchen before they are thrown into the kitchen counter top as they fall to the ground as they breath heavily and look up at them with fear.billy becomes desperate "wait you can't kill us we still have Sidney's day if you kill us you'll never find him!"he shouts smiling thinking he won but soon it slowly falls seeing the girls and dewey share an amused look before Jocelyn turns to them with an even bigger smirk"is that so...."she playfully says before turning behind her"come on out Neil!"she hollers.

And just like that billy and Stu's hope is gone when Neil came walking through the door inside of where billy and Stu had him tide up.neil smirks before his vampire face shows slowly.

Elena just up and glared harshly at Jocelyn"you can't keep turning people when ever you want it's not are a monster that should have been put down along time ago!"she yells as her group look wide eyed before getting nervous when Jocelyn turns to them.

"In case you haven't been paying attention Elena I turned Neil to protect him self from billy and stu.if you haven't figured it out yet billy and Stu would have killed both Neil, Tatum and Sidney cause of what her mother did.if I hadn't figured out there plan from the gitgo so how about instead certain accusations why don't you actually pay attention instead of being fuckin judgmental" she stated coldly as the others think about what she said.

Jocelyn then turns back to them "now let's start the game shall their are many ways you can die, drowning, burning to death, decapitation, strangled,gun shot and so on. So we are gonna get a little creativit.first were gonna start with Stu"she says as Dewey grabs Stu by the neck as he whimpers and begs but they go unanswered. Tatum and Sidney grab billy so he couldn't run before as they make there way to the basement "you know one of my favorite stories over time was about Elizabeth bathory... maybe you both know her by another name The blood countess"she says with a smirk before turning on the light showing the man made torture chamber with there own replica they built.

Kol whistles impressed as he is shown eating popcorn as his brother fin looks confused "where'd you get that?"kol just shrugs "it just appeared"as he continues to eat popcorn.

They strapped Stu on a wooden table with shackles as he begs while Jocelyn pulls out her own double-bladed shears that she made for this as Stu looks wide eyed before he starts apologizing for what he did as she walks closer."let's see how many stab wounds with these shears will it take until you bleed to death."she says before stabbing his right in the stomach as blood plashed on her face as it glows out in a steady flow while Stu cry's in agony when she rips them out causing the blood to rush out fasters.she slowly stalks around the table before stabbing the shears through his rib cage as they break from shear force.

Blood starts to build up in Stu's lung as the shears had pierced completely through while blood starts to run out the side of his mouth as he cry's out in pain. His struggling starts to weekend as billy struggles against Dewey but it was useless. Jocelyn can hear Stu's heart beat start to slowly it would only take one more stab before he fully dies.she tilts her head as she silently twirls the shear's in her hand before striking one last time in his heart causing blood to rush out like a waterfall as they all watch him gasp and cough your huge amounts of blood as the life is slowly in him going out just as he lets out his final breath.

Jocelyn then turns to Billy with a smirk with blood on her face"now that he's done with Tatum you can do with what ever you want with the body while we take care of Billy over here."she tells Tatum who smiles with giddiness while the others walk to a chair with spike straps embedded underneath as billy struggles knowing he's gonna die.

Everyone watches the screen in shock at how brutal Stu's death was before Stefan turns to his sister "what happened to you why did you become this person!"he yells as he stands up.

Jocelyn laughs "why did I become this person.lets see I was betrayed by my two brothers for an old vampire slit who tore us apart.i learned how to survive all my own and not fear what I am you see the reason why I don't have bloodless as crazy as you do being as you're the ripper it's because  I can't deterrence with what I am I don't hide it.see the reason why you turn so bad out as a ripper is because you can't accept the fact that you are a vampire so you try to force it down that's why your blood loss gets out of control when you feed from a human neck. If you will learn how to have accepted it and drink small amounts to get used to it you wouldn't have become the ripper of Monterey. That's the difference between me and you Stefan I learned to accept what I am I learned how to control my blood list so before you judge me learn from your mistakes."she tells her younger brother who looked at her hurt but is was the truth.

"I did what I had to do to protect my friends you think you're the ones were problems well guess what you're not sure you have supernatural problems but we have to do with multiple psychopath Killers with the same finish of ghost face over and over so you're not the only ones or problems we do what we do to survive y'all do y'all have to do to say the save the doppelganger even if they're innocent I kill the bad and only the ones who deserve it think about that"she tells her brothers and their group before looking away at the screen.

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