Death bed (coffee for your head)

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The hot cocoa thing had to come from somewhere. That somewhere isn't so nice.
Or why Dream cares so much for scores. This takes place in the same timeline as "Watching Him Fade Away"

Nightmare laid on his bed in his spacious bedroom and waited for the house to finally quiet down, indicating that his parents fell asleep. The yelling had died down around thirty minutes ago, the door to Dream's room had closed a few moments after, echoing in the halls of the house-- "Mansion" Killer would correct, Dust and Cross nodding along with him-- and only the voices of his parents could be heard, quiet and muffled but he could tell that they were angry by their tone alone.

He knew that he couldn't get out of his room without becoming a target to his parent's wrath, a wrath that he'd only escaped because of his status as the Disappointment of the family therefore not having the same expectations weighting on him as Dream did.

Him and Dream had been quite smart as children, still were, and were labeled as "Gifted Children" early on in their kindergarten years, a label that Nightmare quickly lost to "Beginner's Luck" to his disinterest in school and he ended up losing the spotlight he shared with Dream as soon as preschool started. Dream however, loved school, or at least used to. His people pleaser personality was the only reason he still tried so hard. His people pleaser personality is also what made him lose his love for learning. It started being a task and stoped being lovable.

He had to go, take notes, understand on the spot-- and if he didn't, study twice as hard once home, get home and study, have some free time and study, have the day off and study. And repeat. All of it to keep up with expectations their parents stuck on his forehead as a child, a child that loved reading and studying, and knew words others his age didn't because of how much he read, a child smart for his age, a teenager that now had to run to keep up with that child.

Nightmare got off easily and he couldn't be more glad. He was a different kind of gifted. He could care less for school and grades and could nail an exam by winging it. He was lucky, he knew that. He could nail a few exams with talent and gifts but he could never be good at everything or keep up but it was good, it was average. His parents wanted more than average. But Nightmare could get away with it. Because he wasn't Dream. Nightmare was the child their parents had given up on, and that may sound sad to some people- terrible even, but after some time reflecting on that, after seeing and comforting a Dream on the verge of a breakdown, he was just glad to be left alone.

He went to listen again, see if any of his parents was still awake. when he didn't hear anything he got out of the room, immediately going for his brother's ,at the opposite side of the hall.

He opened the door, being instantly hugged by his brother, who had tear stains on his cheeks but wasn't crying anymore. It was worrisome just how much of a routine they'd developed over the years. "Hi." Nightmare whispered gently

"Hi.." Dream croaked back in a small voice.

"You wanna talk about it?"

Dream shook his head in response, " You already know what that was about anyway."

"It could help you know, talking about it, maybe not to me, but to someone. Maybe Blue and Ink. Or Error or Cross."


"It doesn't have to be soon and you don't have to do it at all if you don't feel like it. But please consider it."

"I will."

"Alright, let's go!"

Nightmare scooped Dream up, earning some halfhearted protests from the latter, he'd fought bravely the first few times this happened, but he eventually realised that Nightmare was a force to be reconned with (and extremely stubborn) and caved in.

Nightmare walked quietly to the kitchen. One of the only places in this gods damned house- "Mansion" his suspiciously Killer sounding brain provided-- that didn't echo throughout the whole place. (apart from the bedrooms and bathrooms, of course.)

He gently put Dream on the counter, his brother immediately crossing his legs and putting a knee up, hugging it. "Whatcha making?"

"You already know." Nightmare answered with a roll of his eyes.

"Do we even have marshmallows ?"

"Restoked just before exam season."

"You're the best."

"I am not , that title should be kept for Geno, always."

"True. Do you think he's ever tired? Being our collective big brother?"

"Oh, for sure. He's exhausted."

"Poor him. We all just show up one day, claiming to be Error's friends-- when really we were holding him hostage- and collectively decide he's our big brother too."

"Mhm," Nightmare hummed his agreement, before turning back around two cups in hand, giving one to Dream."Here"

"How are you so quick?" Dream accepted the cup with awe lighting his face.

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

Dream huffed "Well, I do not think you are one."

"I still won't tell you if you pout, you know?"

That received a defeated sigh in response "I know. You're too stubborn. You wouldn't give it up."

"And you're not stubborn enough, you give up too easily."

A hum of acknowledgement was all he got as an answer, it sounded sleepy and detached, exhausted.

"I should take you back to your room before you fall asleep on the counter, then I'd have to carry you for real."

"You will carry me either way. What's the difference ?"

"It's less fun if you're asleep. Plus you're heavier."

"Okay then, let's go." He said, scooping his twin brother up once again.

And so the same way they came, they went back, in silence so that their parents wouldn't hear them.

When they finally reached Dream's room, Nightmare put him down on the bed. He had his eyes closed and could've easily passed as asleep but Nightmare knew better.

"Hey Dream." Dream shifted to look at him, his eyes suddenly open and his eyebrows raised in a question.

"You know that, you're not a disappointment or a failure or a terrible son because you can*t meet the impossible expectations those idiots put on you as a kindergartener. "

And maybe that was the right thing to say because tears appeared at the side of Dream's sockets and he smiled, pulling Nightmare into one last hug, whispering "Thank you" over and over again.

Eventually Dream let go of him whispering goodnight and kissing his forehead before Nightmare said it back and gave one last squeeze before going to his room and taking out a book on Norse mythology to fall asleep.


Have a lovely night/day <3

Posted 23/3/2023

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