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This only warning you are gonna get about how much sans ensemble content and fluff there is going to be in this fic. I'm a sucker for everybody being friends and just chaotic together so yeah. More of teenagers au. Extremely OOC and short and plotless and unbetaed. Deal.


"The poor minimum wage workers are gonna think we're a gang." Killer said a little too cheerfully for someone who just said that as they were all walking through the parking lot of the familiar (to most of them) 80's style diner.

"I mean, if you think about it we kind of are" Blue added unhelpfully, a head underneat his chin looking thoughtful.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Dream knew he was gonna regret asking this later but while the silence that had reigned to this point was a comfortable one, it was still getting a little too boring for him.

"It's supposed to mean that everyone is legitimately scared of us. Even teachers! We never get in trouble even though we constantly skip classes and forget homework when it isn't worth half our final grade!" He explained as the bell sounded anouncing the large group of teenagers entering the small diner.

"So because people at school are scared of us and we're a large group of teens means we're a gang?I feel like I should be offended. It's not like we 're criminals or something. Plus I'm pretty sure they're just scared because Horror was raised in a canibalistic cult and Dust killed his younger brother." Dream said as they sat in the boots. They took up three of them but no one else was at the dinner at this unholy hour so they didn't really bother anyone.

"Allegedly!" Dust ,Killer ,Horror and Ink all piped in at the same time

"Allegedly." Dream added while nodding.

"I"m not even gonna say how you're contradicting what you said in the exact same sentence so just. Not criminals? Dream." The taller one paused to look at him with a deadpan expression "I'm a drug dealer."

"Don't go around admitting that out loud! Anyone could hear!" Dream whisper yelled at the same time Killer said "Yeah but you got that whole Robin Hood thing going on! You steal from the rich to give the poor!"

"I sell mirijuana to teenagers. The reason why or how I get it does not make it any more right."

"Also. Breaking and entering. Killer, Horror and Dust? That is a crime." Nightmare who'd been quiet the whole way here added unhelpfully.

"Betrayed by my own twin!" Dream put a hand on his chest with a mock hurt expression on his face.

"Can't we jus' order already? I skipped fuckin' dinner for this and I'm hungry as shit." Red spat angrily from where his head was burried in Classic's neck.

"Red. Who the fuck had dinner at one in the fucking morning?"

"Insomniacs sweetheart. You should know this. You are one."

"You should know that my little brother would never let me skip dinner so no I wouldn't know."

"Yeah we should order! We deserve it for surviving the exams!" Killer exclaimed cheerfully

"It's all thanks to Sci, Error, Nightmare and Dream. You would be dead by now if it weren't for them."

"Ow, harsh Berry!" Killer exclaimed with a mock-offended look on his face, ignoring the half hearted Don't call me that from the taller he continued "True but, like, don't say it! Where is Sci anyway? I want to treat him to something! As a thanks!"

"He's asleep at his house. You know he's younger than us."

"I'll get him something next time I see him then!"

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