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When she opened her eyes, Enid took a moment to understand what she was seeing. She slowly contemplated the vaulted ceiling of weathered wood that she was staring at, then began to lower her gaze down the wall in front of her, which was of a grayish wood and she had the feeling that, if she touched it, the whole room would creak. She turned her head slowly to the right and found the open curtains of a large window that took up most of that wall. It was open, giving way to a balcony where she could make out the silhouette of her parents, contemplating the night sky. She concentrated on their figures for what seemed like a long time. Her father was hugging the small figure of her mother, who was shaking rhythmically, making her understand that she was crying.

Enid tried to sit on the bed quietly, but it squeaked metallically, plus the pain in her limbs made her gasp. Immediately her parents turned to her and, noticing her movement, rushed in to sit on either side of her bed.

―Enid! ―Her mother exclaimed, bursting into tears with her head bowed as she held her daughter's slender hand.

―What's going on? W-where are we? ―The girl looked at her father, whose face looked torn, though it was beginning to heal.

―Calm down, my daughter. We're at Addams Manor....

―The Addams Manor? But... How? ―Her exhausted brain was trying to digest the information as fast as it could without much success. She felt deeply exhausted ―What about Wednesday?

Both parents looked at each other, keeping silent. Her mother gently stroked the back of her right hand and her father cleared his throat, leaning toward her.

―Do you remember anything about what happened, Enid?

The blonde then noticed that it was indeed impossible for her to remember how she had gotten there. She had no idea what had happened to her before she woke up in that room.

―I... the last thing I remember is that... I had gotten upset with Ajax and he... left. But... what does that have to do with anything?

Her father sighed deeply as if taking courage before he began to tell her what had happened in the last few days. Enid was clutching the soft, warm blanket around her as she struggled to hold back the tears.

―... and when I finally woke up, I saw you together, unconscious. As best I could, I tried to bring you both back but... ―His voice trembled and Enid sensed it, so she looked at him again insistently.


―Enid... Wednesday lost a lot of blood...

And he was silent, unable to continue.
The blonde felt frozen at that moment, her body didn't respond and she heard a loud ringing in her ears, it hurt to breathe and her heart was pounding, afraid to ask.

―I... I attacked her... didn't I?

Although his father seemed surprised by the question, he only managed to nod, slowly. Suddenly, a memory out of nowhere came back to Enid's lost mind.

"I am completely, stupidly and irreversibly in love with you, Enid Sinclair..."

―Where's Wednesday? ―She finally asked, a quiver in her voice.


Fester paced back and forth across the room, anxious. Granny, at the foot of the bed, was muttering under her breath in unknown tongues, her eyes tightly closed. In one hand she held a black candle while in the other rested a shrunken head. Morticia and Gomez watched the scene behind Pugsley, who was kneeling beside the bed, holding Wednesday's right hand in his hands. Thing, meanwhile, held the left, gently caressing the white skin.

Wednesday rested on the bed of dark sheets, paler than ever, her skin completely frozen, even with the warmth of the fireplace burning in the room. Pugsley had shed several tears since Wednesday was in that bed and was present watching the healing process as Thing, Fester and Granny closed the deep tears in the girl's side, after Morticia had poured several drops of various potions on whatever part of her insides was torn. However after the difficult work, the family had been left waiting for a positive response from the girl, but this response did not come.

―Mother... What will happen if Wednesday dies?

Gomez, moved, patted his youngest son's shoulder. Morticia released herself from her husband's tender embrace to lean down beside Pugsley, gazing wistfully at the girl.

―We all die, honey ―Morticia caressed her firstborn's arm affectionately ―The only thing that varies is how long it took us to do it and what we left behind...

―But... I don't want her to die....

Fester let out a short sob, more like the sound of a frightened squirrel, and Morticia looked at her son. Granny had fallen silent.

―Why do you fear her death?

―Because if she leaves, I... would be alone...

This time it was Gomez who leaned down beside him.

―We are never alone, my son. Everything we are, everything that makes us remains impregnated around us ―He told him, pointing to the walls of Wednesday's room ―and it remains in the memory we leave in others... ―He concluded, touching his son's chest.

―Wednesday used to say that we all die alone...

Grandma let out a loud laugh, leaving the candle extinguished and her head shrunken at the foot of the bed.

―We wish we were that lucky. But we don't. For better or worse, Addamses don't have the ability to die alone. There's usually someone around when that happens.

Fingers let out a couple of signals for silence, but it only held for a minute before Morticia spoke again.

―In this family, death has never been an impediment to keeping in touch, if that's what you're worried about. But if not... I know we'll all miss her.

Pugsley held Wednesday's hand tighter and Thing stopped his movements, sad.


Enid's mother hugged her, shedding silent tears as her daughter continued her seemingly endless crying.

―I want to see her... please... please, Mom, let me see her...

Esther Sinclair looked around for her husband, who was leaning against the wall by the door, biting his nails. The man nodded briefly.

―I'll take care of it.

Enid's mother gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead before standing up and leaving the room. Then her father approached her.

―Are you sure, Enid? It won't be an easy scene.

―Yes, Dad. I have to see her, I have to. I have to tell her that... That I...

―That you love her ―Enid looked at her father, in tears ―Honey, it took me a long time to find out, but I know now. What I wonder is... how long have you known?

Enid looked down, biting her lip. She knew when it had been. After transforming for the first time and attacking Tyler, in that brief instant when her gaze and Wednesday's had met, Enid had received an electric shock throughout her body. And imagining her lost forever, as she wrapped her in that embrace, in that moment she knew for certain. She knew that she would not be able to live a life away from that girl who hugged her so tightly too.

―Why didn't you tell me,? ―Her father interrupted. The blonde noticed the tears in his eyes ―I saw you suffer her absence, I saw you cry for not having her near. I saw you silence so much pain while you were with Ajax? Why, Enid?

―I was afraid, I guess... Of my feelings, of my actions, of what it might mean that I felt something for Wednesday and not for.... Ajax... ―She thought of all the times the brunette had told her that their unexpected encounters would lead nowhere, all the times she felt rejected by those words ―I was afraid that she didn't feel the same way I did....

A snort from her father caught her attention and she turned her eyes to him, who sat down beside her, drawing her to him, like those nights when he followed her into the garden to accompany her in her silent agony.

―Wednesday came for you completely unarmed, ready to get you out of the prison in which so much pain had trapped you. If she left, she did so because she believed she would stop causing you suffering. She thought it was you who did not feel the same... Pup, I don't consider myself a professional in this matter, but... I know that this girl loves you in an irrational way to put herself in the place she did to save you... And I know that if you didn't feel the same way, there is no way you would have been able to come back. You're... linked to her. And I wish you could have told me sooner.

―Linked? ―Enid asked, uncomprehending.

―I have a suspicion that... Wednesday is your link. Just as your mother is mine. We're not compatible, we're total opposites, but she's been my link from the first moment I looked into her eyes. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life protecting her even if it led to my death. When a wolf finds his link, well... There's not much you can do about it ―he finished, with a chuckle.

―But I... how do you know that-

―Ah! ―He exclaimed, suddenly remembering ―I think it's time you listen to something... ―replied the smiling father, pulling Enid's phone out of his pocket.
―Well... ―Said Grandma, letting out a heavy sigh ―Now all that's left is to wait. I have contacted all the spirits I can remember to show Wednesday the way back, but what follows is no longer up to us.

With these words, she turned and walked away. Fester approached Wednesday with a hesitant step, turned toward the exit, paused, and again approached the girl to plant a nervous kiss on her black hair.

―Come on, Thing.

Thing stood still for a moment, as if watching the girl, before slowly moving to the edge of the bed and dropping down. The drumming sounded on the wood, and as it reached the door, it turned to stare at her once more before leaving. Gomez grabbed Pugsley's shoulder waiting for him to get up. The boy did so, but not before giving his sister's hand a final squeeze.

―I hope you decide to stay, Sis.

Crestfallen, he allowed himself to be guided by his father, who took the pale, slender hand and planted a gentle, sweet kiss on it, shedding a single tear, before walking away with Pugsley and closing the door behind them. Morticia stared at the exit for a while and then walked to the window, where the rain was beginning to patter on the opaque glass.

―Wednesday... ―She started, with a soft voice
―This world, this... life... may not be ready for you and your way of coping with it. Since you were born you filled our existence with such a sublime darkness... ―a low chuckle left her lips, but she continued
―And that accusing look you had since you opened your eyes... always blaming us for dragging you without your consent into the misery of the world. I don't blame you, my child, if you are tired... ―Finally, the dark silhouette turned in on itself, revealing a wet trail across the sharp cheekbone. Morticia wiped that impurity gently and firmly to return to her dying daughter's bed and sit beside her, without taking her hand.
―However... I would also prefer you to stay a little longer. You are part of all of us and... I don't know if I have the capacity to let you go so soon... ―A flash of lightning shook the windows, illuminating the room, but this hardly disturbed the woman, who sighed romantically
―I wish you could see how beautiful this night is, Wednesday... one of your favorites ―A second flash of lightning reinforced the sentence, before stillness reigned again. Morticia, with her long, tapering fingers, parted the fringe of the girl's forehead, exposing a little more of her face, which wore a slight frown.
―A part of me wishes... ―Morticia said, speaking with her eyes fixed on her ―that the love you feel for this creature is powerful enough to bind you to this perpetual disgrace. It's selfish, I know... ―she let out a chuckle again, this time sadder ―but I don't think I can comprehend enough how much I will miss you if that does not happen...

Her dark lips planted themselves on her daughter's hand, not realizing at what point she had finally taken her hand. She let the rain fill the silence and devoted herself simply to contemplating her daughter's pained features. The ticking of the clock in the hallway accompanied the atmosphere, immersing her in her own memories with that daughter of hers, a living reflection of herself. After a resigned sigh, she lowered her head, with the black-haired girl's hand still in hers.

―Oh, Goody, if you can still guide her... ―But her words were interrupted by a soft knocking at the door. The woman looked up
―Come in ―She said, standing up.

As the door opened, Murray Sinclair entered, carrying Enid with him, who was leaning on him for support as she limped noticeably on her torn leg. Morticia smiled at the sight of her

―How are you feeling, my dear?

―Better, Mrs. Addams... thank you... ―She smiled shyly at Wednesday's mother. Her father guided her to the bed, helping her to lean against the edge ―H-how... how's Wednesday? ―she asked with fear in every word.

In response, Morticia looked back at her daughter and sighed.

―She's torn between life and death... She's weak, she's far from here... Her wounds have not fully healed and she does not seem to respond to our attempts...

Then guilt attacked Enid, who cringed in shame.

―I didn't mean to... ―Crying broke her voice ―Mrs. Addams, I'm so sorry, I didn't... I... I... forgive me...

―Enid ―The girl looked up, her face unhinged with sadness. To her surprise, Morticia smiled at her ―You didn't do anything wrong ―at the blonde's silence, who was shedding thick tears, Morticia approached her, bending down so that her face was at her height.
―I know what happened with you and I also know why it happened. And I can't imagine what hell it was for you to live it day after day until the outcome was inevitable. But understand one thing ―She said, placing the palm of her hand on Enid's cheek.
―That agony of yours was the fault of a repressed love. And love, my dear, is the only force that cannot and must not be repressed ―The man gently squeezed Enid's shoulder. Morticia continued.
―Wednesday is not the kind of person to take the time to live certain emotions. She has always shown a proud disregard for the subtle sentimental variations of the weak human spirit. And yet... She gave it all up to come looking for you. There are very dark forces in these walls, Enid. But none are as powerful as whatever it is that brought her back, brought her to you. That is love. The deepest, rawest, wildest love. And love has capabilities beyond what is written or what can be expressed in words. If anything can bring her back to herself, it is the love she feels for you and the love you feel for her. So never, NEVER apologize to anyone for loving.

Enid listened to those words holding her gaze and couldn't help but sob, finally lowering her head to Morticia's excited and moist eyes.

―If anyone can convince her that anything here is worthwhile... it's you.

The woman gave him one last meaningful look before straightening up. She looked at Mr. Sinclair, smiling sadly.
―We'd better give them a moment alone.



The girl opened her eyes slowly at the now familiar sight of the trees around her. But this time she stayed in that position, breathing calmly. She did not hear the stampede of voices that normally accompanied that experience. It was several minutes before she heard her name again.



"We were waiting for you."

I know.

"Are you ready?"

Wednesday didn't answer, keeping silent in her contemplation of the movement of the tree tops in the distance. For years she had longed patiently for the cold embrace of death that would end her meaningless existence. Now, as she gazed at those trees, he thought of the things she would leave behind with a tranquility that did not seem appropriate for that moment. She knew that, if she left, she would not regret it. It was her wish. She knew she felt free to let things take their natural course and finally end that constant agony of being alive.

"Are you sure about that?" Said Goody in her head, as if she had been witnessing the girl's every thought.

Why wouldn't I?

"Because the factors have varied, haven't they?"

Wednesday didn't respond, but she knew Goody was right. Something was different. And as soon as she identified this variable, her chest slowly began to ache.

I know I'm ready. I've been ready for a long time...

"Then what's stopping you? It would be as easy as breathing."

I don't know Goody's soft laugh puzzled her What's so funny about that?

"Do you usually lie to yourself that often?"

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