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—I need you to tell me...

—Tell you what?

—That everything's fine and this is all just my imagination, Enid —Ajax answered, upset, taking the girl's hands, who avoided his gaze at all costs. —You've been sodifferent ever since the whole Crackstone and Thornhill thing happened. I can tell, I'm not an idiot...

—Ajax, I already told you. My first transformation has me a little out of place, but that's all. —Uncomfortable, she withdrew her hands from the boy's, with the excuse of putting them in her pockets, pretending that the cold air was causing her chills and raising the collar of her pink jacket, although she didn't feel the slightest rush of air. —Once I get used to, everything will go back to normal, okay?

—Will you promise me?

The truth was that, beyond the transformation, which had surprisingly turned out to be easier than expected (of course, after all, it was her nature, belated or not), Enid had already spent several sleepless nights in her room... Maybe if she had gone through it alone she wouldn't feel so guilty, but...

—You promise there's no one new?

Enid met his eyes, with her thoughts interrupted by the question. She looked down, biting her lip and looking at her pink boots. She couldn't lie to him. Although telling him that there was no one new was not a lie, it was not entirely true. The nights following the incident, she would suddenly wake up howling in anguish, her body sweaty, trembling with fear and tears in her eyes. It was true that there was no one else with her... at least no one who wasn't already there before.

—I promise you, Ajax...


"Viper stirred persistently, feeling how the rope that tied her wrists loosened little by little. In the darkness of that trunk, she already imagined the scenario that would present itself to her as soon as she managed to escape from there. Whatever the case, she was ready for it. She could only think of the advantage that this incident gave Rouge, who was surely already on her way to Salamanca, to begin to unwrap the elaborated plan of revenge that she held against her. A knot formed in the pit of her stomach then. If Rouge managed to get her hands on Enid—"

Wednesday ripped the page out of the typewriter in exasperation. She pressed her thumb and forefinger against the top of her nasal bridge as Thing crumpled the sheet and tossed it into the trash, which was overflowing with discarded pages. With her eyes closed, she sighed in frustration, feeling again the discomfort that had been locked inside her since a few days before. A rattle on the wood made her open her eyes.

—I'm not distracted, Thing. The narrative line of this story requires a little more cooking, plus your new lotion gives me a migraine.

A new rattling, louder than before, interrupted her. Thing seemed genuinely annoyed, and there was paternal concern in its insistence.

—Enough. I'm not going to discuss that situation with you, —she said, turning her gaze to the typewriter as she inserted a new sheet. —What has happened in the last few days is the result of a natural impulse of protection and gratitude. Enid saved my life in a time of difficulty. If it wasn't for her, Tyler probably would have torn me apart in the woods. Now that you mention it—she turned her gaze to Thing, who was listening attentively, although not believing her —I should be rather annoyed. —She started typing again. —Enid took away my chance to experience the coldness of the mahogany coffin that so patiently awaits me at home.

Thing made a desperate gesture before going to the edge of the desk and climbing down, rattling until it reached under the bed, from where it dragged a blood-stained garment. Wednesday looked back and stood up to lift the garment off the floor. Enid's pink coat spread to the ground, still with dried blood, twigs, and leaves tangled in it. Wednesday looked at it for a few seconds before slowly bringing it closer to her face, closing her eyes she breathed in the smell of nature and the sweet and subtle aroma of...

The door was flung open, startling Wednesday, who, as an impulse, threw the coat behind her desk, barely having time to get her hands behind her back. Enid came in in a nervous wreck, whimpering and slamming the door. Wednesday watched her stalk over to her bed before throwing herself on top of it and gasping into her pillow. A few seconds passed before she stopped and stayed in that position.

—Are you done? —Wednesday said without moving from her spot.

Enid sighed turning onto her back and kicked silently on the bed. Wednesday turned away from her and returned to her chair to begin typing.

—Try to continue your tantrum quietly, there are still 17 minutes left before the end of my writing hour.

—Wednesday, I can't take it anymore.

—And by that you mean...


Wednesday tapped once more before an involuntary pause that lasted only a moment, almost imperceptible except to those in the room.

—I can guarantee don't care, but if you need to get something off your chest to let me work in peace, I beg you to do it now.

Enid listened to the keys for a while before getting up the courage to speak, looking up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and started.

—I can't kiss him. —The typing stopped, but Wednesday didn't move. —Every time he looks at me I... I'm not there. I try to fall into his eyes and feel again what I felt in the antique store. I think of him covered in blood after the dance, the kiss we shared that time, but I don't feel anything. —Enid got up, sitting on her bed, looking at Wednesday's back. —Really, roomie. I don't know what's wrong with me. —She began to play with her fingers looking down at them until tears threatened to show on her eyes.

Wednesday was still motionless at her desk. Realizing the silence that now filled the space, she started typing again, picking up the thread of her novel.

—You just need time, Enid. You've been through a lot these days and he has to understand. If he doesn't, perhaps he needs to witness very closely (she said these last words more insistently) one of your transformations, if you know what I mean. —A giggle was the response to her comment. —He can't expect you to go from being an annoying sweet little girl to an uncontrollable beast without consequences on your personality. What kind of psychopath is he?

—I suppose you're right —Enid wiped away the threat of tears and returned her gaze to Wednesday. She looked at the back of her chair for a while, listening to the rhythmic click of the keys. She looked at the pale, thin nape of her neck, as well as the point where her hair began to grow, parted perfectly down the middle. She knew how the back of her neck smelled... she bit her lip again and sighed, leaning back looking at the ceiling. —It's true, he has to understand. I just need to get used to. —She jumped up and stretched, trying to regain some of her usual good humor. —Well, it's almost time to eat. Are you going down?

—Not for now. My hunger went away with all your teen drama spill. If you don't mind, I'll stay writing.

Enid's heart felt a brief shudder, but immediately a sensation of warmth replaced it. "She's like that", she thought, smiling without Wednesday noticing. She was about to approach her, but changed her mind and headed for the exit. Opening the door, she turned her eyes. The light from the window cut out her profile perfectly. She was lost for a second looking at her and smiled again.

—See ya later then, roomie!

As the door closed, Wednesday stopped typing, letting out all the breath she'd been holding as she felt Enid's gaze on her. A subtle moan escaped her lips. The emotions inside her chest were overwhelming and made her breath oppress. She pressed the top of her nose again, tilting her head back. She stood up and bent down to pick up the hidden coat. She laid back on her bed looking at the ceiling and brought the coat closer to her nose, closing her eyelids. Thing, meanwhile, removed the sheet from the machine to crumple it up and throw it away with the others.

"If Rouge managed to get her hands on Enid, it would all be over for her. Without Enid, the only thread that tied her to the world would have been broken and from that, Viper would never recover."

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