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Her lips were surprisingly warm. And terribly soft. A shy caress was the first thing she felt in the darkness of her eyelids. Paralyzed by surprise, she had no instant reaction, but as soon as the first contact ceased, the air suddenly left her lungs in a quiet moan. She felt her heart pounding so hard that she was sure to emanate an unearthly heat all over her skin at that instant. Something was pushing at her chest and all she could do was to raise her hands and take between them the pale face that at that moment was moving away from her lips, in an impulse to stop it and continue what that chaste and sweet kiss had begun....


—Wow, Enid! —she heard a manly laugh and opened her eyes in surprise. Ajax's face was leaning over her, held in his hands. —I didn't expect you to wake up so easily —the young man laughed again.

Enid sat up in bed, moving Ajax back with a hand on his shoulder. She looked around in confusion and realized that the day was over, that she had probably fallen asleep crying, and that she was ravenously hungry.... Oh, and that Ajax was there.

—Ajax? —She looked up into his eyes, with a mixture of anger, frustration and fear.

Well, you weren't answering your phone and... It seems you forgot —The boy slid a finger over her face, moving a strand of her hair to tuck it behind her ear. —You invited me to spend a few days with your family, remember? I understand if you've forgotten. It was before... well, what happened in Nevermore. —Ajax looked at her with expectant eyes, waiting for an answer.

Enid felt a pang of guilt for having forgotten the agreement and she pushed the knot that was going through her down with sheer will, feigning a smile —I remember! Excuse me, I've been so exhausted these days and in all this transformation stuff, well.... —She raised her other hand to show him the smashed phone still in it. —Dad was supposed to take me to buy one today, but probably because I fell asleep he preferred not to wake me up...

—Jeez! —replied the boy, taking the device in his own hands. —This explains a lot of things, haha.

Enid laughed quietly, her mind blank and looking at Ajax's face, as if she wanted to find someone else in him.

—Well, then... Do you want to go out to dinner? I'm staying in town with my parents and they lent me the car to come and see you. —The boy's smile touched her, which made that pang even more painful.

—Sure, let's go. I just have to change, I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes... —answered the blonde, looking at the sweatshirt she had been wearing since the previous morning, when she came back from the forest.

—Okay! Then I'll wait for you outside —Ajax stood up and made a gesture to leave, but quickly retraced his steps to give Enid a kiss, who, without expecting it, received it dryly on the lips, being once again out of place. Luckily, the boy didn't notice anything and headed for the door. When the sound of it was heard, Enid whimpered in pain. Her existence ached at that instant. Reluctantly she stood up and began to take out some clothes to wear. Opening her backpack in search of her lip gloss, the first thing she found was that pink snood. Her brow furrowed with a sadness stuck in her heart. She gingerly pulled it out of there and went blank again....



—Wednesday... —sighed the wolf girl, with both eyes closed, feeling that small, slender hand still on her face. She felt their foreheads pressed together, tilting her head. She felt that breathing as heavy as her own, as if the oxygen in the environment had become thick, making it difficult to access their bodies. She closed her eyes tighter, refusing with all her will to let go of that face, to break the fragility of that instant, to let the world continue spinning. In response to her thoughts, a voice reached her ears.

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