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The door of the Addams mansion opened, interrupting the conversation between Morticia and Wednesday as the latter prepared to leave in search of Enid. They both heard the cheerful voices of the rest of the Addamses, who soon entered the same room where the pair was.

―Wednesday! ―Pugsley and uncle Fester cheered ―I thought you were still in Romania! ―said the younger Addams. 

But his countenance darkened as soon as they perceived the general atmosphere of the room. Thing, on seeing Wednesday, ran to her, joyfully, and climbed up her leg until it reached her shoulder, where it was trying fatally to tell her how happy it was to see her, but the girl would not look at it 

―What's the matter? ―Inquired Fester, alternating his glance between Morticia and the girl.

Gomez, who had barely exchanged a passionate glance with his wife and accustomed to the sensitive energies of the women in his life, had remained silent, attentive. Aaron Zalz, hidden all this time in the shadow of a corner, cleared his throat, drawing the attention of all present.

―Let's keep the explanations brief... the girl has little time left, Miss Addams. If we're going out to track her down, it must be now ―He said, in a mysterious voice.

―Aaron? Aaron Zalz? ―Asked Fester incredulously.

―Fester, old friend...―muttered the man, a crooked smile on his lips. With a shout of jubilation, the men embraced, more akin to a brief struggle, ending in a handshake.

―Aaron and I were in the lab together in Berlin. What a wonderful time! ―In response, Aaron kept silent, letting him continue ―What happened with Dr. Itzheff? Those radiation therapies were particularly long with you... ―said Wednesday's uncle suggestively. The man, slightly troubled, cleared his throat again and moved slightly away from Fester, turning his gaze back to the rest of the family. Wednesday, with an unchanging face, looked at them coldly.

―If we're done with the romantic reunion.... ―but her words were interrupted by the sound of a car skidding on the cobblestone outside, followed by a slamming door, a brief pause, and then the heavy footsteps of Lurch, accompanied by an agitated Ajax.


Enid's father was running with all the speed he was capable of along the course his injured sons had indicated. Fortunately, all of them, although heavily wounded, were relatively well. He directed them to turn back and locate each other, so that they could get out of there. Although they objected at first, it was enough that the man raised his voice to obtain immediate obedience, after all, he was the alpha of that pack.

Now, with his face scratched by the branches that carelessly brushed against him as he passed, he listened to his own accelerated breathing and the pain in his legs was increasing, indicating that it had been many years since he had been part of a chase/hunt of this magnitude. He shook his head to get rid of these ideas and kept running, trying to catch some scent, no matter how small, of his cub.

Suddenly, as if originating from the very nothingness in front of him, the scent finally appeared. But his stomach flipped as soon as he noticed that what he was smelling was a werewolf... there was no trace of Enid on him. An anguished whimper spread through his chest from his heart, he felt a chill creep from the tips of his toes to his head all too clearly, and he picked up his pace again, this time with greater force. The pain in his legs, surprisingly, had disappeared.


What. ARE YOU. Doing. You. Here? ―Wednesday barely managed to mumble through her clenched teeth. 

The whole family was watching her intently, as her rigid body held her fists clenched in a fist and a murderous hatred was emanating from her gaze. Ajax had been stunned by that look, and when the Addamses turned to him, he was able to react.

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