Who is in control? (Yandere TFP Soundwave x femme reader)

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It's been a while since you and the other Autobots arrived on earth. You are the only seeker on the team but in battles, someone takes an interest in you that extends to a detrimental point.

Requested by Sleepy_Chronos


'So what do you reckon?' Bumblebee asked. I lay down next to him and poked my helm over the ridge, flattening my wings the best they could. Below us stood an entire Deception mining operation.

'Slag that's one heck of a haul.' I grinned. Something as big as this could keep us up and running for at least another month or so. 'I say we call in reinforcements.' My partner nodded and raised his digits to the side of his helm while I surveyed the scene.

There only seemed to be drones here right now but no doubt that upon the first sign of Autobots, they'd call in reinforcements. 

'Team's coming now.' Bee buzzed, sitting so he could lean against the hill while his servo transformed, 'Ready?' I grinned and pulled out my own (close-range weapon). 'Ready as I'll ever be.' We both laughed and bumped fists as the groundbridge opened up and my team all filed out.

From there on, it was actually pretty smooth sailing. Bulkhead, Bee, and Optimus were able to take out most of the drone while Arcee and I managed to secure a good stash of energon, getting a total of 5 huge carts.

We pushed the last one out as a drone was sent flying into the wall next to us by Bulkhead. I briefly glanced at him before continuing out. Optimus and Bee were ahead of us, getting the other carts through. 

'Not gonna lie,' Arcee said, looking at the field, 'I was expecting a lot more enforcement with such a big mine.' I just shrugged but as I did, a second groundbridge opened behind us.  'I spoke too soon.' She said and transformed her servo. 'You think?' I asked, rolling my optics. 

Optimus yelled at us to keep them at bay while they got the last two carts out. We were joined by Bumblebee and the three of us started firing at the wave of vehicons coming for us. 

The battle commenced and it was clear we were slowly being overpowered. Bee had been driven back and I was trying to hold my ground but Arcee was right in the middle of things. I attempted to get to her but it was not an easy challenge.

I just punched one when I heard her yell out. She sounded quite far away, maybe near the cave's entrance. 'Arcee!' I yelled. I shot another con before transforming and flying there. I flew right in and down the tunnels.

It eventually got too small and I had to switch to my bipedal mode to continue on. 'Arcee?!' I called into the dark. I heard a faint yell down on and immediately took off. I followed her voice to the main cavern.

It had been completely cleared out of energon and tools, the only remains being the huge elevator shaft that went to the surface. I walked in and looked around. A sudden shiver went up my spine and I felt like I was being watched.

My optics scanned the space but most of it was too dark to see and I could have easily missed someone with a dark color scheme.

And that's exactly what happened.

The feeling was dismissed when I spotted my friend at the base of the elevator. 'Cee!' I yelled and sprinted over, seeing she was unconscious with a scary amount of energon splattered on her frame.

I reached out and was about to get her when I felt something close around my waist. I looked down just as I was pulled off my pedes and reeled back into a dark section of the cave. I was thrown back against the wall but whatever was holding me seemed to take most of the hit.

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