I promise, I can feel your pain (Soundwave and Megatron x reader) part 2

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Part two of Don't you cry :). The reader is now much older but the war is starting...

Requested by Snow_Wolf9


I walked down the street, trying to shift into a more comfortable position with the stack of data pads in my arms. I carefully angled them to check I had all the right ones. Didn't want to walk all the way back just to get one.

I was so busy concentrating that I failed to hear the mech coming up behind me. 'Whatcha doing?' Rumble asked, he and his brother suddenly appearing by my pedes. I yelled out and jumped, the data pads flying out of my arms.

I set of appendages shot out, one catching me while the other quickly wrapped around the tablets. I sighed in relief, 'Thanks, Uncle.' I said as Soundwave took half and put the rest in my arms.

'No problem,' He said, smiling at me as we started walking again. I looked at the mech I was almost at eye level with. It'd been a good few years since I'd left the orphanage and so much had happened. Soundwave became my Uncle, I'd met his friends, Orion Pax and Ratchet, and to my absolute delight,

Megatronous adopted me

That's right! I was the kid of a famous gladiator and it freaking rocked! Not only did I get to watch all their fights but I even managed to start my training to be like about a year ago. I couldn't wait for the day I fought side by side with my sire.

It was just, things were starting to get tense between him and his best friend Orion. He didn't like me getting into all the political stuff but that didn't stop me from hearing all the messed-up slag that went on in the council. Apparently, Orion had proposed a different idea to them and the council was now starting to choose him over my sire.

'So what are these for?' Frenzy asked, picking up one data pad and looking at it. 'I borrowed a few from Orion.' I said, 'I wanted to return them and thought maybe I'd talk to him since I would already be there.'

Soundwave shrugged, 'Reasonable.' He said as we entered the building. A couple of mechs eyed Ravage and Laserbeak as we entered but we ignored them and went to the elevator. 

Soundwave hummed to the little tune that played as we went up. 'You can't tell me you like that?' I asked, grinning at him. 'He likes anything that has a melody.' Rumble said, Ravage growling in agreement next to him. 'I have my music, you have yours.' The lanky mech said.

I just laughed as the elevator dinged and we stepped out onto the floor. I counted the doors as we went until we reached number 326. 'And here we are.' I said, about to knock. Ravage then started growling by my pedes, Laserbeak giving off a low chitter. I looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

'Somethings wrong.' Soundwave said even quieter than usual as he looked at the door. I turned to it and strained my ears. I heard Orion's voice on the other side but it was joined by a second which for some reason, seemed familiar.

'He's probably just talking to a student.' I said, shaking it off. 'No,' My Uncle said, also going onto the defensive, 'Somethings off and I can feel it.' I rolled my optics, 'You're just being paranoid.' I said and knocked.

'Come in!' Orion called from the inside. I pushed the door open as the other mech started speaking, 'So that's why I want to join you,' He said, 'I've done some bad things in the past and I want to make up for them.'

I walked into the room and looked at where they were standing. Orion gave me his usual smile and waved, both of which I returned. The mech he was talking to turned around but...

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