Happiest year of my life (TFP Optimus Prime x vehicon reader)

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A vehicon is taken in by the Autobots and is shown how to live by their leader.


I pressed my servo tight over my audio receptors and pressed my back against the wall. Blasts rained next to my helm in volleys as I crouched down and watched my fellow drones being shot down in masses around me.

I squeezed my optics shut and waited for it to be over, waiting for the pain to come in my own chest, signaling the end of my repetitive, boring and expendable life. A few of the walls around me exploded as energon splattered on the floor hit.

I didn't even want to be here. I hated fighting and wanted a nice, peaceful life but such was not the life of a vehicon. I was made for war and that was final. No questions about why I was made or what my purpose was.

I was just a tool to be used and thrown away.

We all were.

The firing soon ceased a bit and the Autobots came forward, advancing their raid on the Nemesis. I heard them get closer to my hiding spot and curled up, knowing my death was getting inevitably closer. 

They rounded the corned and immediately, huns heated up and were aimed at me. 'Please no!' I begged, backing away, 'Please! I don't what to die!' They still pointed them at me so I just curled up and sobbed.

I heard they were about to fire when someone spoke up. It was a calm voice, yet held authority as great as Megatron's. There was only one bot I knew of like that.

Footsteps then came over and someone knelt next to me. I cautiously looked through my digits to find Optimus Prime looking at me. I backed away a bit and he made no attempts to stop me.

'Why are you here?' He asked, 'Why are you hiding instead of fighting and defending your home?' I looked down guiltily, 'I don't like fighting,' I mumbled.

He tilted his helm a bit at my strange answer. I looked down, ashamed of it. 'That is unusual for a drone to admit,' He said, 'But if you are telling the truth, I see no reason to hold the Decepticon's actions against you.

'Optimus, what are you saying?' The femme, Arcee, asked. He gave a slight smile, 'Everyone has a choice to decide their actions.' He said, 'And I will not harm someone who has not decided for themselves yet so,'

He held out a servo to me, 'Would you like to join me so we can figure that out?'

I looked at him, my gaze shifting from his kind face to his outstretched servo. I took a deep breath,

And accepted it.

Five months later——————

I followed Optimus out through the groundbridge, curious as to where he was taking me. 'Um sir?' I asked, 'Where are we going?' 'You'll see,' He just smiled, taking my servo and leading me on.

The blue and green swirled around us as we exited. I blinked and lifted my servo as the setting sun glinted brightly through the pine trees. Once my optics had adjusted, I stepped forward, looking around.

In front of us, tucked in between these tall trees, was a small basin of water, surrounded by shrubs and rocks. It was a very small clearing and Optimus and I took up about half of it.

'What is this place?' I asked, staring at it. 'You mentioned you wanted to see life on Earth up close and in person,' He said, 'So I thought you would like this.' I turned my helm and raised an eyebrow under my mask.

'But, there's nothing here.' I said. He sat down and motioned for me to do the same so I seated myself cross-legged next to him. 'There will be visitors,' He said, 'But you'll have to be patient and silent.'

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