Chapter 1 - When I saw her face

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"I'm in love. Now I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried."

You ran out to the ship and quickly got on. You ran into an old man. "Watch where your going kid!" He replied. "Sorry about that." You said. "It's alright. Welcome aboard I'm the Captain of this ship." The old man said. "Nice to meet you, Cap." You said with a smile. The Captain took a moment to look at you and you quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "I recognize you from somewhere." he said. "Are you sure? You must be talking about someone else." you said throwing your hands up. "Hmm. Maybe yer right." He said. "See you later, Cap!" You said walking away as fast as you could.

You whipped your head back to look at him and then forward again "phew, that was a close one. If he figured out who I was, I would have been so embarrassed!" You thought pulling the scythe keychain out of your pocket.

You looked down at the small keychain taht your dad gave you as you walked to the lower cabins. "Why did he give my this of all things?" You thought.

Suddenly you heard a thump. "Hmm?" You hummed. You looked down at the ground and saw a blonde girl on the floor. "Shit! I'm so sorry, that was an accident!" You said helping her up. Looking into her eyes you couldn't help but think, "Woah, she's gorgeous." Seeing her reminded you of that one song.

"Oh, then I saw her face, now I'm a believer"

"It's alright, really." She said with a smile. "No, your a really pretty girl and I-" you heard a chuckle before you could finish your sentence. "Huh? What's so funny?" You questioned. "I'm flattered that you think that I'm a girl." she said. You quirked a brow and tilted your head to the left "What do you-" you suddenly realized what he meant "Oh! I'm so sorry!" You apologized. "It's alright, this isn't the first time it's happened, perhaps I should trim my hair. " He explained in a calming voice. "Oh, ok. That was kinda reassuring." you replied trying to dust off his clothes a bit. "I'm Y/n" you said "nice to me you..." you waited for him to give you his name. "Kurapika, Nice to meet you too" he said.

"Without a trace, No doubt in my mind."

"Well I'll see you around, Kurapika" you said walking away. "See you later." He said walking the opposite direction.

About an hour had passed and you met a guy who told you to call him Mr. Leorio, and another guy named Katzo who was a new crew member.

You walked out as some other crew members were bullying Katzo but before you could tell them off, the Captain walked up to them and told them to get back to work.

A little boy with green shorts and a green vest saw that during this an apple fell out of katzo's crate so he picked up an apple and threw it into the wooden crate before he left.

Suddenly the sea cranes started chirping and the boy looked up and then at the Captain. "Looks like there's gonna be a storm." He said. "Oh yeah? And just how do you know that?" The Captain asked. "That's what all the sea cranes are saying." The boy said rubbing his nose. He then jumped up to the watched tower and sniffed. "There's a really big one heading right for us! I can tell by the way it smells!" He replied.

Soon enough the storm had hit and everyone scrambled to get below deck as the Captain took the wheel, a lot of the other applicants and even crew mates were moaning and groaning because of the storm.

"Woah, that kids got superpowers or something!!" You said. "It is quite interesting" Kurapika added looking around. "It seems some of the other applicants are getting sea sick." He said. "Yup, and the storm wasn't even that bad." you said.

Once the storm had died down the Captain came inside the room below the deck that the You, Leorio, the boy, and Kurapika were in.

"Pathetic. And they think they can pass the hunter exam. they're good for a laugh, that's for sure!" The Captain said. "Here try these herbs." The boy —who you had come to find out was Gon—said giving a sick applicant some leaves. "Water" the applicant said. "Sit tight, it's on the way" Gon replied.

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