I groaned as I watched Willow literally light up and Gus just stared at me.

"Is it Hunt-"

"I AM NOT FALLING FOR THE ENEMY!" I cut Augustus off, a bit too quickly and a bit too loudly for my liking. But it had to be said. 

"No one ever said anything about falling..." Luz grinned. 

"Luz. I will peel you like a fucking banana and feed you to the monkey demons." I said without missing a beat. 

"Please don't murder my girlfriend-"

"AMITY!" Everyone turned to the door, seeing the purple haired girl gently pushing open the door. Luz and Amity had their adorable girlfriend PDA moment, instantly reminding me of Hunter. I buried my face in my hands and looked away flustered about the way he literally swept me off my feet. 

"We're teasing [y/n] about their boyfriend."

"HE IS NOT MY-" I couldn't even finish my sentence i was that embarrassed, honestly it was humiliating.

"Who?" Amity immediately became interested in my what can only be described as complicated love life. 

"The Golden Guard." Willow answered a matter of factly. 

"The guy who nearly murdered me for a drop of titan's blood?" I looked at her, not sure how to respond. We all knew what Hunter was capable of, although, I may have known about the whole mineshaft incident no one thought to tell me that Hunter near KILLED Amity. 


"Look he is a weapon, a mere accomplice of evil. Do not be foolish enough to forget that." Amity put a hand on my shoulder as she glared into my eyes in warning, "You can use a staff as a walking stick, but that will not change it's nature."

"...how wise of you..." I stated with caution, not sure how to proceed with that metaphor. I looked over at Luz who was simply love struck by her girlfriends existence. 

The four young teens continued to converse as I slipped away to my room, finding my palisman stirring awake. I chuckled softly as they completely awoke and bounded up to me for some morning cuddles. 

"Hey, good morning you!" I nuzzled them back, "sleep well?" I picked them up, holding them in my hands as I sat on my bed, facing away from the door.

I always found myself talking to [p/n] about things I couldn't talk to Luz about, but right now I couldn't find the energy to talk about Hunter and our, what would you even call it? It wasn't a date, it was a moment. It was us. 

I sighed, feelings were so confusing. 

A gentle knock brought me out of my thoughts, as I turned to face the door, I saw Eda leaning against the door frame. 

"Hey Kiddo..." The woman sat next to me on my bed, causing it to dip down on one side. "What's eating at you?"

"Not fairies." I tried to joke, but my tone was giving me away. 

"Is it that golden boy..?" I simply nodded, leaning my head on her shoulder as a form of comfort. Eda sighed, reaching her hand up behind my head and softly stroking my hair. The two of us sat in silence, it was nice. Ever since I moved in with Eda, she had become a motherly figure that I never had. Sure, one would find and assume that she favoured Luz, but Eda cares for all her children. Well- the ones that live under her roof. 

"Wanna talk about it?" Eda's voice was hoarse and yet soft, it was comforting and makes you feel like you could talk. 

"...have you ever been in love?" I whispered. I could feel a lump forming in my throat and my eyes were threatening to spill tears. 

"A long time ago now, but yes. Unfortunately we couldn't stay together..." Eda held me to her tighter as I cried. 

"Sorry I-I... nnnh, I don't even know w-why I'm crying." My voice shook, I sounded terrible. It didn't make me feel any better knowing that Eda had never seen me like this or heard me waver. 

"Shh, it's fine, it's okay, there is nothing wrong with that Kiddo." 

"I'm not weak." My breath hitched as I caught myself seeking complete comfort in Eda. 

"I know. I know that, alright? Crying doesn't make you weak."

My breathing was tumultuous, my mouth agape, as the tears continued to stream down my face staining my cheeks. There was no doubt my eyes were red and puffy.

"Take your time... no one's judging you." Eda played with my hair, allowing me to cry about the most ridiculous thing. But it was okay, because I was a teenager and that is what we go through. silly feelings... 

... silly feelings for a boy who you're supposed to stand against. 

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