I cringe, but I know that he'll live, I'd make sure. (Should I make Fred and Ash die at the end?)

"Thank you My lord," Draco bows his head.


Draco and I head to my room. I was teaching him occulmency but since he hadn't mastered it I would have to obliviate him after each lesson just to unobliviate him at the beginning of hte next lesson.

We work on the skill for the next two hours. Daily life at Malfoy manor was exhausting. Our only escape was studying, which we had to do since we both knew we would be preoccupied with other things in the coming years. Our routines were hollow, even when Draco and I got our prefect badges we weren't excited like we may have been last year.

Then I was at Luna's house. Draco had come with me after much convincing and secrecy. Luna's house was an escape. The quibbler was the only reliable newspaper nowadays and Luna's house was the only reliable thing in Ash's life as well. They were able to forget about everything in that week they were there, just catching magical creatures in jars and then letting them go and laughing. At the end of it though. Draco went back to the manor, I went to 21 grimwald place and Luna stayed.

I knock on the door of Sirius's house. A house elf I recognize as creecher opens it to me and bows.

"Miss Blue," he greets.

"Hello Kreecher, Mother says she misses your crepes," I smile.

"Oh Mistress is so kind," Kreecher smiles.

"She's not your mistress, but I'll let her know you said that. Has it been boring all these years with no visitors?"

"Oh I prefer those years over the guests I have now. Did you know they let muggle borns into the great Black house know?"

"I do, but I'm sure everyone that steps on it's grounds is well suited with respectable traits," I smile.

"Skill over blood yes yes I remember, I suppose that's proven through the Weasley twins. Disgrace to the pureblood name," Kreecher sneers.

"The Weasley twins?"

"Yes. Goodness as soon as those oafes walked in I just knew this place had gone to the dogs."

"I see."

"Are you going to kill them?" Kreecher smiles as he sees my expression.

"No Kreecher. No. If you are ever given the chance to kill them you have to save them. They can not die. I die before they die. Promise me Kreecher."

"I can not promise to betray my master."

"Sirius Black is your master."

"Yes, yes, I know. I have served the Blacks for centuries but Blue, you are as Black as they come."

"Fred and George over me. Promise me," I look at Kreecher.

"Yeah alright I promise," Kreecher mumbles. Just enough for me to drop the subject.

I walk into the living area where I see all of my friends sitting around talking. And on the couch next to the fireplace is the twins. They looked nice and Fred's smile when he sees me takes everything to not run up and hug him.

"A word Sirius," I glare at him.

"I'll be just a second, children," Sirius waves as he walks into the hall to discuss with me.

"I want them out. Now and forever," I demand.

"I can't do that Ash. What did you say to Harry? He hasn't faced them since you talked to him. He acts like they're you know who himself."

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