189 | An Old Acquaintance

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     "We went to Lincoln High last time because it was related to the tasks that the princes gave Max. Mr. Li greatly helped us with it," Keigo explains, and Krist's expression suddenly changes as he grabs Gengxin to put his arm around him.

     "Oh! So you're friends with our little toy?!" Krist excitedly asks, making Gengxin look at Krist with a disgusted face before pushing his arm off him, but Krist doesn't care and just places his arm around him again.

     "And I remember you!" The jester, Rome, then shouts while pointing at Kingston, who now has his arms crossed.

     "That's right, I recognize him too," Cj replies, walking closer to Kingston. Kingston tried to still act tough, but he couldn't deny Cj's overwhelming presence. Without knowing much about him, he could already tell that the count differed from the other brotherhoods.

     "You're the fucker who won in the beauty portion at the pageant," Cj says, leaning close to Kingston, making Magnus—who was standing beside him—gulp in terror.

     Kingston doesn't say anything, but out of nowhere, Cj grabs him by the cheeks, acting as if he is inspecting his face. "Looks normal to me. I could never understand how you won. To be honest, this guy's much more attractive," Cj brutally points out while looking at Asahi.

     Kingston wanted to remove Cj's hold from him, but he couldn't even move for some reason. There was just something about him that felt so menacing.

     "Let go of the guest, you fucking idiot," a new voice says, making everyone turn their heads to look at the entrance again.

     Just in time, two more brotherhoods made their appearance. It was the members of BND and Crazy 8.

     "Holy shit. They're really here. What the fuck is going on?" Nox whispers. And none of them can really say anything because they never expected the Brotherhood to gather in front of them like this suddenly.

     "If it isn't Mr. Knight and Shining Armour," Cj says with a sarcastic tone when he sees Hans and the rest of the dukes before finally letting go of Kingston's cheeks.

     Kingston touches his aching cheeks but doesn't really say anything.

     The four brotherhoods gathered together and started talking with each other. Some even started playing around like they were old friends. Kingston and his friends, as well as the other guests who are in the Great Hall, were all stunned to see all of them there.

     The rest of the members of Cigarettes and Crazy 8 then went to their tables on the balcony while the rest stayed at their usual table with the white uniforms. The guests didn't know why they were even eating in that exact spot and why they were close with Ari, Felix, Ervin, and Keigo, but then one of the members of BND suddenly looked around and noticed something.

     "Where's Max?" Marcus—a member of BND and Max's brother—asks when he notices that the young heir is nowhere to be found.

    Ari and the rest of his friends looked at each other before looking at Marcus. They didn't even have to say anything for Marcus to understand what was going on.

     "So the rumors are true. Jontell really is assigned in your class," Marcus asks, and the rest of the brotherhoods finally stopped talking with each other to listen to their conversation.

     Krist, Cj, Ari, and the others started taking a seat at their table, forcing Kingston and his friends to finally move away so they could look for a different seat.

     The Great Hall became noisy again. When they finally secured a table for themselves, Nicolás looked at the students in front of him and explained, "Do you guys understand what just happened?!"

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