a sneak peak

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     I listened to The screaming, the yelling the final gunshot to my mother's head. I an innocent 5 year old, hid under my bed with fears of my father hurting me next. I heard mumbles of two men bickering in the other room. I had a feeling this was another deal my father was making with one of his friends for some extra cash. His friends would come in my bedroom late at night, call me sweet names like princess, angel, baby, whatever they wished. They'd touch me in areas where my grandmother once told me a man should never touch. These men would abuse me... then they would simply leave. My father said it was to protect my mother from her way of life. He said it was making him quick cash. I thought I was doing the right thing. I know my family struggled so I just wanted to help.
   I remembered the footsteps of a foreign man with a deep voice that scared me. He entered my room. I held a switch blade I took from my daddies bedside table. I held it in my small hands. I waited for the right moment.

"Alright girl. Let's go to your new home" the man says. I didn't reply. I stood still.
"Come on girl. Its a better home for you. Lots of candy and horses all you've ever wished for" my father says. I didn't believe him. Neither of them. My small fingers gripped tighter on the knife. I felt the tension in my father's voice. He had an awful temper. "God damn it girl!!" He yelled as he flipped my bed off the ground to the other side of the room. "Get over here you fucking brat!" His breath was filled with booz. I looked up at the man I've never seen. His smile was wide, cheek to cheek with pure evil. "This is your new daddy!" He says. I shook my head. My father grabbed me by my wrist "yes now let's go!" He yanked me to the door as the odd man followed. I didn't know what to do, so I stabbed him. I stabbed my father in his hand. My father flung me by my arm across the house. "You fucker!!" There I looked beside me and saw my mother with a hole in her head with no clothes on. Her blood was shining in the flickering kitchen light. It was almost sparkly. I felt myself panic. I wasn't known to cry. Honestly I didn't think I could. I looked up at the creepy man coming at me. Out of reaction I stabbed him in the gut. He Screamed in horror. Before I knew it I was out the door. Down the driveway, running away into fields. Miles and miles to never be seen again by my father, or anyone who once new the little girl I once was.

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