Since his dad had insisted to give him a weeks worth of time to come clean to his mother about her having twins, he will. But if he didn't, he will just tell her himself.

This wasn't something insignificant- she had another child! If he were in her shoes and found out Lucy had a child that he didn't know, he'd be fuming mad and at all the others who knew about it and still chose to stay silent.

And that's exactly the category Lillian fell into.

"With her pressed against the wall?"

"It not like I forced her up there."


"You say the story is made up."

The solution seemed easy enough, right? Wrong! Shooting herself in the foot would be a much better option. Not to mention easier and didn't affect anyone other than herself.

"Wouldn't that make your father a liar?" Casey counter attacked, sitting up on the bed with her back straight as she grilled him with a questioning look.

Her heart pumped inside her, every beat painfully audible as she desperately thought of ways to change his mind.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern?" He shot back, his tone sharp and defensive.

She can see the mild doubt start to linger back, but saying she'd do it without a fight might make him even more skeptical.

"Do not forget I'm still an FBI agent, and you are a human trafficker."

"It's funny you say that, seeing we are in the same boat."

"Really? I'm must've forgotten considering I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yet." He chirped. "But you know it's only a matter of time before you start to slip down the rabbit hole." He said it in a knowing tone. "You've spent time more time being a con than chasing a con. I'm just giving you an option to be yourself."

Casey placed a shaky hand over her racing heart, feeling the air leave her lungs. She didn't like her shady past being throw in her face like that. Still be considered a criminal.

She made mistakes and paid her dues, what more did the world want from her? The twinkle in his eyes increasing as he noted he had hit a sore spot.

"You may be right....." She let the words hang in the air, the next set of words in the tip of her tongue yet she couldn't find the voice to speak them.

'I'll do it.'

It was convincing, isn't it? He would certainly believe her now if she took up the task.

He was merely reminding her who she really was. Her roots. And it wasn't this paper clean person image she was parading around in.

The more time Casey took to make up her mind the dimmer and smaller Jason's eyes got.

"I think I've told you this earlier today. I have not pretended to be someone's knight in shining armor but I have pretended not to someone's sister partying away in New York as we speak. If, you want me to keep pretending I have no idea, then I suggest you make up your mind." He reiterated what was spoken that day, his pitch droping down a notch till it reached a bone chilling icy tone.

Chills ran down her spine as she was forced to let out the words in a weak voice. "I'll do it." She forced herself to say, gulping down air- prepared to dip her feet into the ice cold river. "But I have a condition."

Jason raised one of his eyebrow, not impressed but he didn't say anything- indicating her to proceed.

It was a good sign. Hopefully.

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