"I know how this sounds like but I can assure you he is a good man!"

Nodding her head with a tight look she let a tear cascade it's way down her cheek.



"Are you for real?" Riley shrieked out on the early morning in the 4th day of her lockdown.

With a curt nod, Casey confirmed what she said again in a casual tone.

"His father didn't leave him anything in his will, not taking into consideration the 2 dollars. And it was precisely stated if his grandson didn't want to take over his legacy all his business would be automatically transferred to Vincent or his children."

"But I don't understand, how is this connected to my kidnapping?"

"Think again."

Closing her eyes, she put herself in Carl's shoes. She was named the heiress and has been running her father's company for years. And suddenly, it was all stripped away from her and would be given to her friend.

What would be the first emotion she feels?

Betrayal. Anger. Humiliation.

'A man who even his father doesn't trust.' A man who will never succeed in the business world.

But why would Carl's own father do something so cruel and cutthroat.

What can make a father hate his own child?

"He is the patron!" Eyed widened with stark horror, she announced in shaky a voice.

Carl's father, the most influential man of his time investing in a run down company like Vincent's....

Vincent knew.

Carl was the bargaining chip!

Money for silence.

It all made sense.

"Yes." Casey affirmed in a tight voice. "This could be a speculation too, there are chances he's not connected. I'll see if I can find out more." She rushed out.

Riley could hear the papers shuffling as Casey moved around. "Riley, if this is true.... you know what it means right?"

Yea. She did.

Her relationship with Alex would end.


"Should I go all rowdy on him and make him spill the truth?" Sean asked like a thug- so unusual from his usual 'police shouldn't touch civilians unless it's for self defense' self.

"Sure. You might have to get yourself a shovel though." Riley informed laying in her back, pretending the plain ceiling was the endless night sky.

"Too violent." Wincing, he replied.

"And along the lines of too dead."


"Stretch your hands sideways."

Only Casey knew the alarm that spread through her veins because of the seemingly innocent sentence.

Masking any expression off her face she did as she was told.

At times, compliance is better than defiance. And this was one of those times.

He started from her feet. Placing the oddly shaped machine near the inside of her ankle and slowly through it to her inner thighs, ensuring he didn't leave a speck of dust and was thorough in his search.

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