Zack Lee

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Everything went blank once again for Kazuto but suddenly he felt his vision being dizzy.

Kazuto was finally able to see light after so long, that time he spent in complete darkness felt like an eternity to him.


"Zack wake up, It's time to go home"

Kazuto heard a female voice from somewhere and He slowly moved his hands and rubbed his eyes.

Kazuto blinked a few times before finally opening his eyes just to see a young Mira kim standing next to him with a grumpy face.

"Zack! How many times i have told you not to sleep during classes"

"I am sorry, Mira, Please forgive me"

"Alright let's go home now, Johan is waiting for us outside the school building"

Mira said to Zack and Kazuto now Zack got up and instinctively walked with Mira.

'Zack' felt confused for a moment because when he talked with Mira, He didn't wanted to say anything.

He just instinctively did it as if his tongue moved on its own, After thinking a while Kazuto came to a conclusion.

Kazuto summarized that this was Zack's influence on him, Now that Two of them are actually one, Their personalities joined with each others.

"Zack what happened to you?"

Mira again spoke after seeing Zack wondering something but Zack quickly looked at her.

"It's really nothing Mira"

"Are you sure,There is nothing?"

"Ofcourse i am, Trust me Mira, I think i am just dizzy"

"I think you should sleep once you get home that would be better for you"

Mira said and Zack just agreed with her and two of them walked out of their classroom.

Soon the left the building and Zack saw a young Johan waiting for them and Zack waved his hand at Johan.

"Yo, Johan!"

"Hello Zack, Mira how you doing?"

"We are good, How about you Johan? And Hows your mother doing?"

Mira asked and her question made Johan feel uneasy and he didn't replied to Mira.

Zack narrowed his eyes at Johan and he wondered"Have she already gotten involved in the dog god cult shit?"

After getting no response from Johan, Mira asked another question.

"Hey Johan, Can i come to see your mom?"

Hearing the question, Johan's heart started to beat faster and he remembered his mother's situation and he slowly said.

" Can't"

Johan replied while stuttering but Mira didn't heard him correctly and she asked him to repeat himself and Johan did.

But instead of using his usual gentle tone, Johan seemed really loud when saying."No, You can't come to see her"

Hearing his answer Mira felt surprised for a moment and her eyes were wide for just a moment but Johan saw her and He ran straight away while hiding his face.

Mira stood there surprised and She slowly turned to Zack and Zack lee said"I think he is just going through that edgy teenager phase"

"Really Zack? Does every boys go through that phase?"

"Well yeah"

"Did you go through it too? How come i never saw changes in you? Zack, How old are you?"

"Hey Mira, I am Zack lee, I different than others"

"That doesn't even make sense, But whatever let's go home"

With that Two of them also went back to their houses and Once Zack reached his house, He was hit by tons of memories of his early life.

Zack felt like his head bursting and he laid down on his bed reliving all the memories that Zack made till now since his birth.

After a good hour of pain, Zack's head finally stopped hurting and Zack stood up and He looked at himself in mirror.

Zack took off his shirt and looked at himself in mirror while holding his chin.

"So it's confirmed that I am Zack lee now"

Zack said to himself and he continued.

"And I am already in middle school, And it's clear by Johan's actions that he will be getting involved with God dog cult very soon, I should do something about it"

"I can't help Johan right now, His mother is completely under control of drugs, It's inevitable to not get involved with the cult"

"If i don't do anything, Then both Johan and his mother would be killed by the cult, There is only one way to help Johan's mother for now, It's to expose the cult to her"

"It's decided then, That is what I am going to do, Expose the God dog cult"

Zack summarised his whole plan but suddenly a voice in his brain said"Don't forget about our plan to confess to Mira after boxing champion!"

"Hey, Zack you Simp, We are here discussing more important things than you getting laid!"

"It IS important!"

The two Zack faught inside his brain over their different goals but suddenly two of the realised something.

"We are getting late for boxing classes!"

"We gotta run!"

With that Zack grabbed his gym clothes and backpack and ran straight to boxing gym.

"Need to hone skills to kick asses in future"

Thats it for the first chapter

If you got any queries then feel free to ask me.

But i will answer something for you,

The Two Zack thing,
There is only once Zack, Two of them fused together to make one Zack.

So you can say that OG Zack is a part of New Zack now.

And I add that head voice stuff just for Fun, That does not mean anything.

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