Chapter 13

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"Kou! Can we go somewhere~?" You ask. "Okay! But I could call a nurse to help you-" You put your finger against his lips, shushing him. "It's okay." You get dressed.  You walk out, and see him waiting. "Where do you wanna go? We could get boba or something." You think for a moment. "Can we invite everyone?" You want to spend time with your friends too. "Alright." He responds. You call everyone up, and they come. (That's not including Hanako, Mitsuba and Tsusaka. Because they can't leave the school building. Do they get to later in the manga? Spoil it for me in the comments.) "Can we all go to that amusement park?" You just remembered that you and Kou had two free tickets. "Okay!" Yashiro agrees. You skip all the way there. "Y/N-san! Wait up!" Kou laughs. "You guys are so cute together! Stop making me so jealous!" Yashiro whines. "Love is in the air, but not for me." Aoi-chan and Akane are holding hands. When you get there, you spot cotton candy. "Ooh! Let's get some!" You say. You pay for everyone, and continue skipping. "Ooh! Look, a roller coaster!" Everyone gets on, and it starts. Yashiro is sitting alone, sadly. You clutch onto Kou, with your eyes closed. "HELP! WHY DID I DO THIS-" Your cart goes downhill. "HELP!!!!!! PLEASE! KOU, I'M SCARED!!! PLEASE SEND HELP!" Finally the ride ends. You rush out, out of breath from all that screaming. "Was it really all that bad?" Kou asks. "Yes!" You say. You get a slight headache. You don't want to ruin anyone's fun, so you ignore it again. 

After that you went on a teacup ride, got boba, ate lunch, Kou won a panda stuffed animal for you, and right now you were watching fireworks. "Look! They're so pretty!" You say in amazement. You catch Kou gazing at you. "Kou-kun? Are you falling in love with me even more?" You tease."I-uh, I guess?" He blushes. You come closer to him, and kiss. "Me too." (I am so sorry everyone if that was too cringe.) Suddenly, your heads hurts so bad you pass out.

"Y/N-san? A-are you alright?" Kou says through tears. You woke up in a hospital room, again. "I was so worried!" He hugs you. "I-i'm sorry everyone. I should've said my headaches were back." You apologize. "No! It's not your fault. You probably didn't want to worry us." Yashiro assures. Aoi-chan rushes in, donuts in her hands. "Here, I got these for you." She hands them to you. "Yay! Donuts! Kou, could you feed them to me?" You ask. He turns into a tomato. "O-okay." He grabs a donut and feeds it to you. "Thank you!"

You wake up. It's morning. I guess I'll be missing school again. You look to your side. You find the flowers Kou left you. Roses. You put on your headphones and listen to music. You slowly fall asleep, wondering if things will ever get better.


Hi! This is the Author. I just have a few things to say:

-Thank you so much for 3 votes!!!!!!

-Thank you for 44 reads!!!!!!

I'm sorry for the short chapter and that I haven't been writing that many chapters lately. I've kinda run out of ideas, but I will continue! I won't abandon this story, unlike The Night Before Dawn. Maybe I'll have two or three more chapters. I have a few ideas.

Word Count: 568

-The Author

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