Chapter 10

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edited on 10/1/2023

*Another Really Short Flashback* 

"I love you Kou...."

*End Of that Really Short Flashback*

"wha-WHAT!?!? Why so suddenly-"You peck his lips. Tiara stares at you both. "Are Y/N-san and Kou-niisan flirting?" She asks. Kou's face burns with embarrassment. You and Teru laugh. "C'mon! Let's just eat already." You say. You dive right in. You're starving after all of what happened today. When you're finished, you ask if they wanted to watch a movie at your place. They agree, and you, Kou, Teru, and Tiara walk to your place. 

"Sorry if it's a bit messy! I've been really busy doing lots of my homework and before, Hamurai's." Tiara runs around. "It's so pretty! I love the lights on the roof!" She points at them. "Do you guys want cookies? I made them myself!" Kou nods. "Of course! Anything you make, I'll love it!" He takes a bite. His eyes light up. He's so cute...You think. "It's really good, Y/N-san!" He smiles. "Can we watch Snow White?" Tiara asks. "We could watch Snow White with the Red Hair too." Tiara grabs all the cookies and stuffs her face.

"Zen is so comforting to Shirayuki!" You're watching Episode 4. Teru took Tiara home, and he stayed with her because she's too young to stay alone. Kou decides to stay with you. Every time Shirayuki and Zen have a wholesome moment, you stuff your face in Kou's shoulder. "Ahh! I can't look."(This is me every time I see them. They are always kissing, hugging, or saying cheesy stuff! I just can't with them sometimes. The things love can do to you.) Time passes by, and it's getting pretty late. "Should we go to sleep now, Kou-kun?" You yawn. "Alright." You tiredly walk up the stairs. You both walk into your room. "Is there anywhere for me to sleep?" You realize you only have one bed. You don't want him sleeping on the floor or the couch. "Uh, I don't have another bed. And I don't want you sleeping on the couch or the floor. i-I guess y-you could sleep w-with me..." You can barely hear yourself. You look up. Kou looks like a tomato. "Before you sleep, I want to give you something." You mumble. You somewhat regret saying that because you're embarrassed about what you're about to do. You stand up and kiss him, his eyes go wide but he kisses back. He leans on the bed and his hand cups your face. He falls back on your bed, landing with you on top of him and you both separate, your face burning.

He grabs your face, and his lips land on yours. You deepen the kiss and you can feel his body on yours.

You both suddenly stop, and you both don't wanna lose your virginity tonight, even if you both knew it didn't go that far. 

His wraps you in a big hug, whilst you both fall asleep.

"Goodnight Kou..." 

*Time Skip*

You wake up and feel something around your waist. You turn around, and Kou's face is inches away from yours. You just woke up, and you're already as red as a tomato. You slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake Kou up. I'll make him breakfast! He'll be so happy!  You tip-toe to the kitchen. You make sweet potato jellies. This is his favorite food, right? You see a tired looking Kou walk downstairs. "Morning, Kou! I made your favorite food!" Suddenly, he grabs you and wraps his arms around your waist. "Uh, Kou? What are you doing?" He looks up at you. "Why'd you leave? Go back to bed. Please?" You blush."w-Why exactly Kou-kun?" 

"Because I need someone to snuggle with."

"Kou-kun...I-uh..." You turn into a tomato yet again.

He then picks you up (bridal style) and places you in your bed. "Fine then." You say. When you start drifting off to sleep, you feel his arms wrap your waist again. "I love you so much Kou..."

"More than I could ever love myself."


And that's Chapter 10 for you all! I'm sorry if it was boring, but I really liked writing it!  I'm also sorry if this was short. I hope you liked this chapter as well. Stay healthy and happy, and keep pursuing your dreams! 

-The Author

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