Chapter 7

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You wake up. You get ready for school, and you yet again notice your old confession letters. You see the one you wrote to Hamurai. I don't even know why I liked him/her anymore...

Just as you get to school, you wonder why Kou hasn't shown up yet. You start to get worried, but you shake it off before you blame it on yourself. "Hey, did you hear the news? Hamurai and his/her/their boyfriend/girlfriend/partner broke up." A student whispers. You ignore it and walk to your next class. You're glad they broke up. He/She/They finally got what he/she/they deserved. But before you can even enter the classroom, a girl walks up to you. "Hamurai-san wants to speak to you at free period." She says, surprising you. "Oh, uhm, why?" You ask. "I don't know. But I don't think it's anything good." She then walks off, a look of worry on her face and she adjusts her glasses.

Something's up.

Free period comes, and you've been dreading this moment. You see Hamurai and walk up to him/her/them. "Uh, what do you want to talk about?" You ask. "I want you back." He/She/They says in a clear voice.

"I should've noticed before, you're an amazing person. I shouldn't have cheated on you. It was awful of me to do so. I want you to know that I'm sorry. Please take me back. I mean it with all my heart. I love you." 


Is this some kind of joke?

"Are you joking?" You scoff in surprise.

"No, I'm not. Now accept the confession." He whispers, getting a hold on your wrist, squeezing it tightly which gave off a sharp pain. 

A look of despair spreads across your face.

Your heart hurts so much, but why?

"Uhm, alright. I l-love you as well." It kills you to say that.

 Your gut says to do this for your own safety, but your heart longs for someone else, but who? You of course trust your gut. Everyone hears your response, including Kou. He runs off, with tears strolling down his cheeks. You feel terribly guilty. Should I try to kill myself again? 

It's all my fault, it's all my fault! Now Kou won't ever talk to me again! But I can't just dump Hamurai. "Here's my homework. Could you do it for me?" Hamurai asks. "Of course!" I have to act cheerfully. All nice and happy looking. Even if I'm dying inside. That's what he/she/they wants.

When you get home, you're overwhelmed with all the homework and chores you have to do. When you're done, you plop in bed. Did I really make the right choice? i-I mean of course I did! I have to protect myself and Kou, no matter what. He did it for me, so I'll do it for him. But, it's my fault he was crying. I'm so stupid. What is wrong with me? 

Suddenly, you notice your hand looks different than before, it looked like a dark, bloody, maroon. You pulled up your entire sleeve, revealing your cuts and your arm was maroon as well. You gasped in fear as you watched it spread higher up your arm. Your mind went back to when Tsukasa pricked your finger, and you quickly looked at the other side of your hand, fear rushing in. The spot was a gloomy purple, and you felt the need to forget it and just hide it.

Nothing could go wrong, right?

 You wake up, and you sit up too fast. Your head hurts, but You're late. You rush out. It starts raining. You could care less. 

Hamurai's going to be mad.

That's the only thing on your mind.

You reach school. Hamurai yells at you. "WHY ARE YOU ALL SOAKED?!?! WHY WERE YOU LATE!??! Did you finish my homework?" You give him/her/them the homework. He/She/They seems pleased. He/She/They forcefully grabs your hand and holds it. You want to cry, but you suck it up. Everyone's staring at you and Hamurai. He/She/They smiles at them, and you do the same. You hide how you really feel. Suddenly, someone grabs your hand, and you let go of Hamurai's. It was Yashiro.

"Yashiro? Why'd you grab me?"

"Why are you with that disgusting fool! He/She/They is terrible! Did you forget Kou lives?"

"I can't give out that information. But, I never forgot Kou."

"Well, why can't you tell me?"

"It's a secret."


And that's Chapter 7 for you!

Word Count: 732

-The Author

"Love Yourself..." TBHK Kou x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin