Escaping Your Problem's [31]

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Y/n sat at her dinning room table, her father's eyes refused to leave his plate, which consisted of bacon, eggs and toast. She could hear his utensils scrap across the porcelain plate and the silence was killing her. Normally, she couldn't stomach any food but now she shoved food down her throat with each bite, hoping her chewing would overpower the quiet.

They both sat at opposite ends off the table.

She gulped down an entire glass off water, along with one of her pills, was it always this hot in this room?

"Y/n." Her father starts, his eyes still don't meet hers, "I want you to stay away from that Aishi kid, I have a feeling he's nothing but trouble. I absolutely forbid you from being anywhere near him." He says and his knife and fork clatter against the plate.

"I understand, but-" Y/n gets cut off by her father, this is why she doesn't talk to him.
"There are no buts, you will stay away from him or will start picking you up after school." He threatened, Y/n scoffed a bit too loudly and his head immediately perked up giving her a glare. She's already established that Ayato is killer, this isn't new news.

He never ever looked her way, even though she was his daughter so this 'protective behavior thing' was really confusing her. "This isn't a joke Y/n, I'm sure he is connected to her death, Musume shouldn't have been taken so soon." Her father looks at her as if it was her fault, as if he wished deep down inside, that she was the one getting placed in a box under ground so she wouldn't burden him.

"I'll stay away from him then, I understand completely that this isn't a joke. I'm prosecuting him for everything he's done at Akademi, soon he'll be behind bars." Y/n states, she's interupted by her father, laughing. "You're still trying this stupid detective stuff? I thought you left that dream behind by now, your older now and you should be aware that you're simply not capable of having a job like that." He laughs, staring her dead in the eyes.

"You're already so dramatic, saying you've got this thing called 'depression' so you're refusing to eat, not going to that stupid club Musume told me you always go to, you lashing out at me, locking yourself in your room and acting like some child!" He slams his fist into the table causing Y/n to sink into her chair and look anywhere but into his eyes.

"You wouldn't know how I acted as a child..." Y/n mumbles and her father stops talking, "What was that Y/n? If you want to be heard, speak up." He spoke, staring right through her. "You wouldn't of know how I acted as a child, since you weren't therefore me!" Y/n shouts, standing up from her seat so quickly, it falls back onto the floor with a thud.

"I know you were some immature, selfish, loud, brat!" He yelled, Y/n feels like a child again listening to her parents arguing, except now it was targeted at her. "How can you honestly stand there and tell me I was some nightmare child when all you did was shove me in my room and lock the door! I've always been your 'problem' child, well why didn't you see how Musume treated me and how lovingly you were towards her!" Y/n screamed, her voice was louder than his and he took a step back as she yelled.

"Why did it have to be Musume? Why aren't you like her? Why are you still here!?" Her father shrieked, the words in Y/n's throat died almost instantly, he wished it was her that died? Her eyes widened and her throat tightened to the point it burnt, she sniffled, trying not to cry in front off him.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her vision blurred and she rubbed them away, it was getting harder and harder to not to cry from his words. He stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do or say ; of course he wouldn't know how to handle a situation like this, he was never there to comfort her.

She felt her world crashing down, splitting into millions off pieces she'd never be able to piece back together, even if she tried those pieces would dig deep into her skin. "I see how much I mean to you... I guess there's something we can both relate on... I wish you died instead of mum, I might have not known her well but she loved me, she cared. Something you haven't been able to give me for the past 18 years!" Y/n screams, she was breathing in and out a lot, trying to suppress her tears, all that could be heard in the room was her sniffling.

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