An Upcoming baking sale [7]

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This dream the one that haunts him at night. He opens his eyes to see the silhouette looking ethereal in a beautiful gown that you'd never see an average person in. They swayed side to side gracefully as they curiously tilted their head as he began to step closer to them. As usual, his dream is set in an open field with a cherry blossom tree on the hill, providing the figure with shade.

He stopped, at the hill, looking up at them and he couldn't help but have the feeling of him entering another world, stepping over the invisible line that separates them. He steps over this line and stands in front of them, they take his hand and stare into his eyes, "Oh Taeko... Your dress is suits the Goddess you are. I can only feel the coldness off your skin in this dream but you make me feel so warm whenever I see you..." He begins, blushing madly knowing that he's touching her hand it makes him feel tingly inside, "You occupy my mind and you're the blood that pumps throughout my body. You help me live, giving my life a purpose and I know one day this won't be a dream and you'll except my confession."

The figure tilts their head when he says Taeko, but it goes unnoticed by him as he can feel his heart pounding and he breaths heavily knowing he's holding Taeko's hand! "Soon, I'll be holding the real you in my arms... No one will come between us, everyone is just an obstacle trying to stop our love blossoming..." He rambles, being to hold the figures grip slightly tighter. He sees a necklace with a key around the silhouette's neck, they twiddle it in their fingers before poking his heart.

He's confused but his eyes follow their finger, he suddenly feels a strong gush off wind ripping his grasp out of the silhouette's. "Find me." The wind howled,"Who do I remind you off?" Ayato is speechless, too busy grabbing onto the blades of grass pointing towards the starry night sky as he battles against the furious wind, he feels his legs begin to lift off the floor but he's determined to hold on."Let go off the person you believe I am." The wind bellows, yet he remains grasping the grass refusing to let go.

It all fades to black, he awoke in a cold sweat, "Taeko!" He shouts, only to be answered by silence. He didn't sleep much after that, he felt like a walking corpse trying to keep his eyes open instead off succumbing the the sweet demise off slumber. He stared at his corkboard, a picture off Amao stood center stage, being held up by a knife. He's never wanted to fit someone like a pig before, chop them up and toss them far away from Taeko. He thinks he can just waltz into her life like he owns the place and take her away? He's sorely mistaken...

He has a list off 'methods' he can use to get rid of him for eternity, he also has a map off the cooking club with pictures off the members surrounding the map. It's fairly easy to say that you're a person who likes memories and pictures to really capture a moment forever. What better way to do so when you can temporarily join the photography club and take their picture.

He would describe it as 'funny' that they so easily walked into his spiderweb and wrapped there self in it just waiting to be placed onto the chopping block. Even better, Info-chan gives him data on them as well, including reputation, information on them as a person and their likes and dislikes. It makes things a walk in the park when it also shows their crush.

He stares at Amao's photo, what does he hold so close to his heart. His family? Yes. Their shop in town? Yes. Making sure everything is in order? Yes. There's so many things he can do to cut him down and diminish him to nothing so many weak points out in the open and he'll use them all against him.

Y/n, texted Kokona, Saki, some of her other friends and...Ayato about the upcoming bake sale, that would start at lunch. The main reason she texted them was to make sure they had their money for the sweet treats, since they were definitely buying stuff for her.

She entered the cooking club and the room was split into two sections, a kitchen and a dining area, by a partial interior wall against the kitchen counter. The kitchen has a pink-and-white checkered floor also with pink walls, as well as pink countertops and appliances.

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