My Heart Is Squeezing Apart [34]

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She was taken to Megamo's home, but she wouldn't consider it one since it was absolutely humongous. She had to stop herself from saying wow, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"Where will I be sleeping?"

“You’ll be sleeping in one of the back rooms. I don't expect you to leave your room at all.” Megamo answered coldly.

With that being said, he'd go silent. The fact that you even wanted to ask about your sleeping arrangements just annoyed him further. It felt like you were already making this situation worse by acting like this. It's not like you had the option to decide where you'd want to sleep anyways.

"So I can't look around?" She says coming to a conclusion already.

“Precisely, you cannot.”

He’d say that with a neutral tone, it felt like he was simply stating a fact. The fact that you acknowledged the fact that you were trapped seemed to be irritating to him even more.

"May I go to my room?" She asks, with a fake politeness

“Go, clothes have been laid out for you to put on.”

He’d say that with a cold tone that sounded like he had no choice but to say yes to your request. Despite his reluctance to let you go, he did not plan to let you spend another minute with him. The fact that you were staying silent was slightly less irritating than you were talking about. There was nothing else he wanted to say.

The moment she entered the room, the door was quickly locked behind her. The bed an outfit prepared, which she walked past and ignored. She was alone in the room, there was no one watching over her. So, she could change with full privacy with nothing stopping her.

The room was pretty nice, it was well furnished and big, however the only things inside of the room were books.

There was nothing else to do in the room but to read, sleep, and plain boredom.

She sighed, picked up a book and read it for a while then fell asleep.

She awoke to find that she had drooled a bit on a page she quickly closed it and put it back and got another to hold.

That book is worth more than her whole bloodline so she hope that the drool would dry before anyone noticed. She heard the door opening and she made sure she was sat innocently on the bed when the door opened.

It seemed like you weren’t even aware that the book you were holding was upside down.

Megamo noticed this, and he was immediately irritated to see this. You were doing such an abysmal job at trying to act proper and innocent, it was ridiculous. The fact that you were lying only made him more irritated.

He wanted to smack that book on your face right now, but he wouldn't do that.

"Why can't I have my phone?" She questioned.

“I cannot trust you with it. Hence why I took it.”

He’d say that in a monotone voice, just like before.

"All I can do in here is sleep, maybe I'll dream of a phone or TV at least."

He’d simply sigh, he couldn’t believe your stupidity right now. He rolled his eyes at the fact that you thought you were going to be dreaming about wanting to watch television. That was the most idiotic thing he heard from anyone recently.The fact that you would dream about having a TV was more than enough proof that you were simply being a brat in his eyes.

“Do not expect for that to happen.”
Kamito’s tone became slightly angry, he felt like shouting at you right now, but he held back for now.

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