He Crushed It [13]

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Y/n opens her locker, going to grab her shoes as usual till she feels multiple objects prick against her skin. She tips both of her shoes upsidedown and out pours those tiny pins you use on bulletin boards. People originally walking towards their locker's swerved around the pins that had been dumped onto the floors surface, "Ow!" Someone shrieks, missing the memo and walking right into the pile of needles, someone helped guide them to the nurse's office while they hopped alongside them. "What the-" Y/n is lost for words, why would someone do that to her. Actually, she's not surprised since everyone seems to have it out for her at this school, if anything she should be more shocked about why this has happened now?

She's always been everyone's scapegoat for something wrong in their miserable life but the still have never dare to physically harm her or intend to. This is new... She looks into the pile, kneeling downwards and gently pushing the needles aside to pick up a small note in the center, "I have eyes on you, Y/n." She reads to herself, she looks at the front and that back of the sheet. The only person this could link to would be the person on the tape yet there is a distinct detail that differentiates this from the tape.

The fact that it's not in code.

This person as wrote it in plain and simple that they are watching her, without the fancy codes or the tape. Clearly, the person is in kahoots with Info-chan if they got her to give her the tape and this could either be linked or not at all. Could the person have an accomplice off some sorts? She feels someone grabbing her waist and lifting her over the pins on the floor, she taking her by surprise, "I couldn't help but see you being held captive by pins so I just had to come rescue you." Budo says, combing through his hair and pulling a rose out of his gi, he's cut the thorns off and held it out to her.

She didn't want to seem rude so she took it thanking him, "I appreciate it Budo. Next time I need rescuing I'll give you a shout." She says, Budo flushes pink losing his footing and nodding, he walks off quickly. She looks back down at the note, looking at the people walking by her, it could be anyone. "Morning Y/n." Taeko greets her, almost stepping into the pins but Y/n pushes her back just before she does, "Thank you, Y/n. I really wouldn't want any pins in my feet but I have experienced something similar to this." Taeko starts, picking up the golden pin and analysing it, till she looks back up at Y/n.

This perks Y/n's interest immediately, "Oh? What happened to you? When did it happen? Has it stopped?" Y/n questions, Taeko raises her hand up in defense. "I didn't know I was being interrogated." Taeko chuckled awkwardly, Y/n calms down with the questions. "It happened a week ago, I kept getting weird messages on my phone. I got them every day after school and yes they have stopped, here's the messages." Taeko reveals the phone number and Y/n mental notes it in her mind.

She wonders who could be behind it all...

"Horuda? You want to know the tea on her?" Kokoro repeats, Ayato's words and she rubs her chin, "I guess I'll jump at the chance to spill the tea on her, don't tell anyone but... I use to hang with that LOSER. I sat around with her a bit and she really thought we were friends or something. My bestie came and saved me from a life at school of humiliation and that's that. If you want anymore gossip you'll have to do another task for me." Kokoro finishes, Ayato nods, he's recorded this whole conversation and this will show Horuda how she's really seen, "She was also saying she'd y'know... Self harm but she has to understand I can't hang around with loners like her."

Ayato nods, this is perfect to show Horuda, "Thank you, Kokoro. I'll happily do another task for you in exchange for dirt on someone." He thanks her, and she grins going back to tapping away on her phone and chewing on her pink bubble gum.

The day's leading up to Kizano's performance have been busy and long, each drama member playing their role spectacularly. They all moved around eachother in some dance and Y/n was finding is hard to keep it with it all.

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