Unable to breathe, I closed my eyes and my thoughts succumb to darkness.


"-Lua... Killua...? Are you awake..?"


My eyes slowly opened to the sight of blinding light. As my vision began returning to normal, I saw two blurred silhouettes hovering just above me. The voice sounds oddly familiar... I think that's Tani speaking..?

"Oh for heaven's sake, give him some room!"

Another voice... Malphas I think...?

"Killua dear? Can you hear us?"

Finally, my sights re-adjusted with the light and finally I was able to see Malphas holding a glass of water, and the twins looking at me from either side of her shoulders. I seem to be back in my bedroom in the castle.

Malphas "Are you hurting anywhere?"

I supported myself up with my arms and grabbed the glass of water she offered. I didn't drink it yet, and only looked down on it. The glow of Malphas' (E/C) eyes were reflected upon it. And that was when I remembered-

Killua "Wait! Where's (Y/N)? A-and the others!"

Malphas held a hand out to calm me down.

Malphas "It's alright, it's alright... (Y/N) is here, he's in his lab at the moment, experimenting with the creature you found the other day. Gon is still resting, so is Pina. And Ryuu is roaming around the castle."

Killua "He already woke up?"

Malphas "He never fainted. Ryuu is strangely resistant to Magic. In fact, it was he who brought you all back here."

 I took a moment to process all the information she gave me.

Killua "And... and what about Gold?"

Malphas "(Y/N)'s supposed 'father'? He's in the dungeons. Alive, just barely. I imagine (Y/N) has plans to torture him in the most gruesome ways he can think of."

Again, I stayed quiet. After a moment, Malphas sat up from the bed, and walked away, the twins following her at her command. She turned back to face me just at the door. Right before leaving, she said.

Malphas "Oh! (Y/N) said he wanted to see you once you wake up. You can reach his lab from turning the moon-dial in the central courtyard. Have it pointing at the new moon, and the passageway will be revealed."

I nodded and she left. After a while, I took the blankets off of myself and decided to follow through on her instructions. Some time later, and I descended the hidden staircase that just opened up. At the bottom, I saw a tunnel of sorts that lead to a wooden door at  the very end of it. The sides of the tunnels looked to be cages, with metal bars and metal doors. Small rooms that once held whatever creature was unfortunate enough to make it here. In some, there were still skeletons - some human, others... I'm not so sure.

Making it to the door, I pulled my hand out of my pocket to turn the handle, but it was already opened from the other side.

(Y/N) "Oh! Hey! I was just about to check on you!"

(Y/N) walked out, wearing an obviously over-sized lab coat.

Killua "That's a little too big for you, don't you think?"

(Y/N) "Yeah, I'm working on getting a smaller one, but this is all I got for now."

I smiled a bit and beckoned him out.

Killua "Come on, let's get out of here. It smells awful, and the air is kinda stuffy."

He smiled and walked to my side. As we walked, I noticed that (Y/N) had a bit more of a spring to his step.

Killua "You seem to be in a good mood."

(Y/N) "Hehe is it that obvious?"

Killua "Heh, I get it, I get it. You finally have a chance to take care of your grudge after all these years."

(Y/N) "Yeah... oh! That reminds me!"

Killua "Hm? !!!!"

I felt (Y/N) lean closer, and pull me into a tight hug. I felt heat bubble its way up through my entire body and up to my face.

(Y/N) "Thank you, Killua."

He pulled back, and after giggling at the state I was in, started walking again...

Oh man... that boy has complete control over my heart and I don't know how to stop him... this is gonna be a problem, isn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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