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In the space of darkness, a sleeping soul could be seen. That soul is the soul of a 16 year old teenager.

I don't know what made the soul fall into space of darkness. Supposedly the dead souls will directly enter the space of the reincarnation cycle, all their memories of the world will be erased. Then they will live their new life and so on.

Whereas if the soul strays into the space of darkness, their soul will fall asleep and be lost forever.


"Geez it's really hard to walk around in this void space, where is really dark again, if it wasn't for that tool I might have gotten lost" A person with golden light slowly appeared in the void space and spoke.

Well, the person who just spoke was a God.

The tool referred to by the god is a kind of compass, unlike the compass on earth, the compass belonging to the god cannot be described in words.

Out of boredom the god went for a walk into the void. Because according to records, the void is the beginning of everything.

So the god went on a journey to satisfy his curiosity with the dark space. Until finally the god saw something unique, the god saw a soul floating in the void.

The god had never in his life seen a soul enter the void.

"Soul!!!! How could the soul of a mortal man get here. That soul should have entered the space of the cycle of reincarnation not the space of darkness. Oh... I've read in the records that souls enter the space of darkness happened, but it happened 10,000 trillion ago. Ohh.. I managed to see something this very rare haha. Alright, I'll help you mortal" The god was very happy to see this rare thing.

After that the god approached the lost soul. Then the God touched his soul and made the soul that was sleeping now slowly open its eyes. The soul was immediately shocked to see itself floating in a very dark place.

"Are you awake? mortal" said God.

The soul then looked to the side. At that moment, he saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

A figure shrouded in an extremely serene white light. It was so bright, the soul narrowed its eyes.

The only thing he could see were 6 pairs of very large and long wings. Not even the soul can see the tips of the wings.

The figure shrouded in light also had an enormous form. Yes the greatest figure the soul has ever seen.

"Where is this? I remember I should have died from falling for a building" The soul said while remembering the time when he was falling from the building.

"Indeed you are dead, your soul should have entered the space of the reincarnation cycle. But instead you enter into the void. And all this time you were sleeping in the void" God explained from the side.

The soul is shocked, but the soul becomes calm because it knows that the existence in front of it is extraordinary, so the soul does not want to think long.

"Huft, I don't know how I got stranded in this dark space. But who are you? Are you a God?"

"I told you this was a strange occurrence. Well I'm a god, to be exact the god of luck" replied the god.

"Greetings Lord, sorry my name is Kazuto Hitatori. I am very pleased to meet you" said Kazuto.

"Hmm, good, but I can't bring your soul back to the cycle of reincarnation again" God replied.

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