Chapter Seventeen

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That night, Jude never spoke another word to me.

We went to bed the moment darkness settled over the room, and when I woke in the morning, he was already gone. He left my portion of our food on the dresser and I ate it slowly, sitting on my bed and wondering if I could somehow fix what had happened the night before.

What we had between us—if it was anything at all—felt broken. Gone.

After I shouldered my bag and jacket, ready to open the door, I noticed Jude's pocket knife sitting on the dresser. I didn't have to look long before finding them. His initials were on back of the door, right in front of me, etched into the blue painted wood. I hadn't expected him to leave his knife for me. Maybe there was still hope I didn't totally screw things up between us.

I scratched my initials under his, pocketing the knife afterwards.

When I left our room, everyone was already packing their stuff into the cars. I hated that Jude was the first person I noticed, like he was the only thing I could think about, even when there might've been Scrappers nearby. It wasn't right. I had to get my priorities straight.

He stood next to the Ford Escape with Kate, talking in voices too low for me to hear. I walked over and leaned against the Jeep, waiting for Kaileb to tell us when it was time to leave.

I smelled cigarette smoke before I saw him.

"Did you and Indiana Jones over there have a fight last night?" Silas asked. He took up position next to me, but I didn't move away. He seemed less intimidating in the daylight, like a wolf that didn't know what to do without the dark.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, hearing Kate laugh. From where I was I couldn't see them. I was glad for it.

Silas shrugged and propped his leg up against the door. "Could be that I saw him early this morning before everyone else woke up, or it could be that he's over there talking to Kate and not you." He took a last drag and flicked the cigarette butt into the snow. "Take your pick."

"You don't know anything about us, so don't pretend to."

"Uh-huh." He pulled out another cigarette and lit up. "Whatever you say, Shortstop. Guys like him aren't always what they seem, though. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

"You don't know him," I reminded him.

"No. But I don't have to know him to know he's hiding something." My heart skipped a beat at his words, because I knew exactly what Jude hid. "Why does he always wear gloves anyway?"

My lie came automatic. "He got burnt the week they came. He was in some sort of accident," I replied, looking straight into his eyes. I was good at lying. I could look someone straight in the eye while doing it and not even flinch.

For the moment I thought he didn't believe me. Then he nodded, actually looking serious. His eyes trailed over my shoulder, giving another cocky smile to someone behind me.

When I turned to look, all I saw was Jude's back as he walked away, his head bent and his shoulders straight. My heart kicked the inside of my chest, wanting to call out to him and make things right again, but I showed none of the frustration I felt.

It was then when Kaileb came into sight, tossing his backpack into the trunk before slamming it shut. "You guys ready to head out?" he asked.

We both nodded and Silas flicked his cigarette into the snow, shooting me a wink before walking off. I ignored it completely and slid into the backseat, feeling partially relieved to be getting away from him. Kaileb climbed in behind the wheel, his usual spot, but it was Elliot who appeared in the passenger's seat and shut the door, still wearing his gray beanie that made his blue eyes even brighter.

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