How This Works

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Step 1: Fill out the form in the Application form chapter. We try to match you up with a story you'll love, but please keep in mind that we can't always find you the perfect partner.

Step 2: If you are new to book clubs or struggle with giving feedback, we highly recommend that you check out the chapter How to give the best feedback to find out more about what we expect from you in this area. Your comments on your partner's work need to contain feedback. If your reviewing is not up to par, we will not pair you up in the next cycle.

Step 3: When we next update after you're accepted, you will find your name paired up with another writer; we will put everyone in pairs.

Step 4: What next?

Once you're paired up with someone, here's what we expect of you.

This book club updates weekly. Every week we expect you to read a minimum of TWO chapters of your partner's book. If you want to read more and your partner agrees, that is absolutely fine.

If your partner only has one chapter, you both read just one chapter of each other's book.

For every chapter you read, you have to write a decent paragraph of useful feedback for the author as an end comment. We'll go into more depth about what we consider decent in the chapter How to give the best feedback. We highly recommend using inline comments as well.

We expect you to be kind and respectful towards your partner's book. They have worked hard on it and there is no point being rude about their work. Make sure your feedback is constructive and stated in a positive way.

On the other hand, we also expect you to be able to take criticism. You are in this book club to receive feedback and to learn and grow. Don't get defensive about every single thing your partner mentions. Try and learn from their comments. And if you disagree, just thank them for taking the time to review your work and let it go.

Step 5: Once you're finished for the week, come back to the book club and comment (on that week's chapter) that you're done. If you've finished reading your partner's book and you need a new partner, let us know.

Step 6: Unless you have finished your partner's book, our next update will still have you paired with the same person. If you finish the book, let us know in your comment. We will pair you up with someone else.

Note: If your partner's reviews aren't up to scratch, please let us know. We will not be checking everyone's comments in great detail, but we will take action if we find out someone is doing a half-assed job. 

ONC Book Club 2023 by TeamofDreamsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang