Read Cycle #6

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Hello, and welcome to the 6th week of our ONC book club! Congratulations to all those who made the 2nd round of the ONC!

Below you will find a quick overview of things to remember and your pairing. If we haven't found a group for you yet, you are on the waitlist. We'll make sure to group you up as soon as we can.

To make sure everything runs smoothly, here is a quick overview of what you'll need to do:

The assignment is to read 2 chapters of your partner's book over the next week. The deadline is every Saturday, we update on Sunday.

Remember to give the best feedback you can. Be specific.

When you've finished your assignment, report to us that you are done. Let us know if you finished the book and need a new pairing.

If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.

Remember to talk to your group members. If you want to read more than the required 2 chapters per week, talk to your partners to see if they want this too. If your partner finished your book but you are planning on posting a new chapter before the deadline, let them know so that they don't have to ask for a new pairing.

If your partner's feedback isn't up to par, let us know.

Here are this week's groups.

Group 1:

DomiSotto Played by the Mafia or The Tetrachromat

KeiraKnox1 Terms and Conditions

Group 2:

AJTackett1026 A Night to Disappear

benhauthor Merlin's Curse

Group 3:

wdhenning The Phobos Transit Quilters Guild

YvonneKindle Death by Trade

Group 4:

GandalfofspaceAnli The Valley || ONC2023

Elvira_Kamgut Neledh

ONC Book Club 2023 by TeamofDreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora