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You find yourself at TeamOfDreams ONC Book Club. Like our normal book club, this club is set up for those of you looking to find out what readers really think of your story, for useful feedback on your writing, for exposure of your book, or to meet some other ONC entrants and make friends.

For those who don't know what the ONC is: it stands for Open Novella Contest. It is a huge, yearly contest here on Wattpad run by Ambassadors. Based on a choice of given prompts you write a novella within the space of three months. The 2023 version is currently underway and you can find it on this profile page: OpenNovellaContest.

Don't have an ONC entry but you'd like to join a book club? Check out our Lost Dreams Book Club on our profile page.

For those unfamiliar with book clubs on Wattpad: This is a place where you get paired up with another writer. You read each other's book and give feedback as you go. That way, you and your partner can learn from each other and improve your writing skills.

Because that is what we, at TeamOfDreams, stand for. We want everyone, both new and experienced authors, to become the best writers they can be. Whether you're new to writing or have been at it for years, there is always more to learn. And who better to learn from than your readers?

Moreover, we like to help people connect, and what better way to do that than through one of Wattpad's largest yearly events? So, if you're looking for some help in polishing up that fantastic new story of yours, look no further.

Interested? Have a look at the next chapter to see how all this works.

ONC Book Club 2023 by TeamofDreamsWhere stories live. Discover now