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By signing up with this book club, you agree to the rules below.

1. Always be kind and respectful to others.

2. Always provide some positive feedback along with constructive criticism. Be polite in your feedback.

3. Participating books must be ONC entries and in English.

4. If you do not finish your assignment, you won't be paired up next week. No strikes, no warnings, you simply won't be paired up until the assignment is completed.

5. Because of Rule 4, it is extremely important that you do not forget to post "done" in this week's chapter when you've finished your assignment. If you don't let us know, we assume you haven't finished the assignment. If you need an extension, let us know before Sunday.

6. Add this book to your library so that you're notified when we update. Follow this account so that you're notified when we announce something important.

7. Have fun! 

ONC Book Club 2023 by TeamofDreamsWhere stories live. Discover now