Bolt:And when you see Matthew, tell him how proud I am of him?

Champ:I will.

Bolt:Now go! Break out of this illusion!

Champ:I love you, dad.

Bolt:I love you too, my little-thunder bolt.

Back in the real world, Grace and Moby were completely weak as Arthur slowly approached them.

Arthur:This is the end of both of you.

Suddenly, massive amounts of lightning bolts began to strike the ground.


They saw that Champ had broken out of Arthur's illusion.

Arthur: Impossible!

Moby:(Panting) Atta boy, Champ!

Champ looked at Arthur with a cold stare as a massive lightning aura began to appear around him. Arthur took a step back in fear.


Champ didn't say anything as he started to approach Arthur. Each sound of Champ's footsteps felt so powerful as the ground shook a little every time. Lightning continued to strike the ground as Champ kept getting closer to Arthur.

Arthur:Where did you get this power?

Champ:Leave my home, now!

Arthur:Just because you have some boost in power, doesn't mean you can defeat me!

Champ: Let's do this then.

Champ and Arthur got into a fighting stance. The wind blew harder as Champ and Arthur continued to stare at each other. Just as Arthur was gonna take his first step, Champ suddenly punched him in the gut, sending him crashing to the streets of the town.


Champ:Take care of Grace, I'll handle this!

As Champ quickly took off, Moby began to heal Grace.

Grace:When did Champ get so powerful?

Moby:That definitely wasn't the meteor's power.

Grace:I did notice that the lightning bolt mark on his side was glowing.

Moby: Maybe he's starting to tap into his full potential.

Meanwhile, Champ saw that Arthur had gotten back up.

Champ:Do you understand what it's like to struggle now?

Arthur:Shut your mouth!

Champ: I'm ending this fight!

Arthur: You may try!

Arthur attempted to strike Champ, but Champ was quick and had caught Arthur's paw. Arthur tried to break out, but Champ's grip was too strong.

Arthur:Let me go!

Champ began to crush Arthur's paw.


Champ then kicked Arthur towards a nearby car.

Arthur: You're a monster!

Champ: I'm no longer that monster from before, now I have people who care for me. I won't let my new family down!!

Champ raised his right front paw as lightning began to rapidly strike the ground.

Arthur:(I know this ability!)

Champ: Suffer, along with the thunderclap!

Champ stomped his paw on the ground, sending a massive lightning bolt that struck Arthur. Arthur was now completely weak, but still conscious.

A Paw Patrol Story 9:The Battle For The Last Champion ChildWhere stories live. Discover now