Chapter 5

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Somewhere in a dark cave on a strange island, Grace had been locked up in a cage. Copycat approached the cage.

Copycat:If it isn't the daughter of the Lycanroc champion.

Grace:You know that you should treat a girl with respect, right? If you wanted me, you should have come for me yourself, coward!


Grace:Oh, I can't wait to see Matthew beat that disgusting and hideous grin off your face!

Copycat:Is that what you think is gonna happen? Your tiny human friend can't beat me, I guarantee that.

Grace:I don't care what you guarantee, your words and yourself are nothing but crap!

Copycat:You really do have your mother's spirit within you.

Grace: Don't talk about her, like you know her. You never had to fight for anything in your life! You know nothing about honor and sacrifice. Your overconfidence will be your downfall, that's something I can guarantee.

Copycat let out a little hiss as he walked over to the rest of the group.

Harold:What now?

Copycat:When we reach Adventure Bay, no one deals with the tiny human, except for me!

Mayor Humdinger:What's about me? What do I get to do?

Copycat:Look Foggyboy, You already have your kittens, so you get to stay back and enjoy the show.

Ladybird:What about the pup?

Copycat: They won't be able to find this place.

Duke: I've been wondering about this so-called "Mighty Meteor" I have been hearing so much about?

Harold then handed each villain an energy badge, except for Copycat. The Duke saw that he was now flying.

Duke: Incredible!

Ladybird:What if the Paw Patrol has something planned?

Copycat:Those fools have no idea what's coming to them!


Copycat: What's so funny?

Grace:Once I get out of this place, I'm gonna see whether you guys are injured or your corpses are rotting when I return.

Ladybird: She's quite scary for a pup.

Grace: I'm no normal pup.

Copycat: Maybe I'll make you watch when I bring your little human friend here. You'll get to see him die by my own claws.

Grace stood in silence as she looked deeply into Copycat's eyes.

Copycat: I'm gonna enjoy watching each and every person suffer!

Grace:The only one who will be truly suffering, will be you.

Copycat: Let's move out.

Back in Adventure Bay, the Paw Patrol were beginning to come up with a plan.

Matthew:What we need is an ambush, especially if Mayor Humdinger's kittens are involved. The sooner we take them out, the less we have to worry about.

Champ:If there happens to be any type of giant robot, send it crashing into the ocean, but keep it away from the town.

Ryder:If we can keep the fight on the beach, that would make it safer for everyone.

Matthew: Copycat probably thinks that we have no idea what's coming our way, but we do.

A Paw Patrol Story 9:The Battle For The Last Champion ChildWhere stories live. Discover now