"Only if you're going" the boy replies

Madelyn rolls her eyes "Of course i'm going, so that's a yes right"

"It's a yes" He says looking down at her

Madelyn looks up at him a warm feeling growing inside, in the past couple months the two have gotten closer, they look out for each other and well, the sex, my god the sex was good

"I'll see you tomorrow then" the girl says before removing his arm from around her and heading back inside

Christmas day

Mark and Derek explain the way they want to operate on Nicholas to Madelyn

"And this goes through the nose to the base of the skull, And then I drill the bone off" Derek says

"Well, what happens once you drill the holes?"

"We put miniature staple clips on the vessels" Mark replies

"With what instrument?"

"We don't have it. Not yet. But we will. We will. We're, uh, still trying to figure out how to build it, but we're on it"

Bailey walks in "Uh... I would like an invitation to your home for Christmas dinner. I know it's very late for me To be asking for such an invitation, Given that it is, in fact, Christmas day. However, I have a very worried father, and if I don't look like I have some sort of life, He'll never leave. I have a bowel infarction to repair, and then after that, I'll be free to come to your home"

"Sounds fine" Derek responds smiling at the woman

"Thank you"

As Bailey walks out Arizona walks in "The chief just cut off the funding for our equipment"

"What?" both men exclaim

"We're way over budget, And Nicholas is running out of time"


Mark,Madelyn,Arizona, and Derek are with Richard

"We want our bonuses to go towards the equipment for nicholas Jacobsen" Derek says

"Sorry, you can't do that"

"No, but it'll be like a donation"

"They're our bonuses"

"There are no bonuses. That's what he's trying to say. There are no bonuses this year" Derek say

"I'm sorry. Merry Christmas" Richard replies

"I'll write a check. How much?"

"I'll split it with you" Arizona says almost instantly

"Thank you" Derek says looking at Madelyn

"Don't look at me i'm a resident"

He turns to Mark

"I have a teenager. What if she wants to go to college?"

"Have you met her?" Arizona says

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now