"You seem nice," Grace smiled at her. The woman gave her a warm smile as her other hand came forward hitting her with another pocket taser. Grace collapsed onto the floor. Lucy was holding the back of Lockwood's coat to keep him from going after her.

"Leapold, go and get your father," The woman demanded sliding her taser back into her skirt pocket.

"Stop," Lucy hissed. The pair watched as Grace was dragged into a separate part of the store. "Remember." Lockwood let out with an aggravated sigh as they moved out from their hiding spot.

"Find the mirror," He muttered. "Can you hear it?" Lucy took a deep breath.

Meanwhile, Grace woke up strapped to a chair. The walkmans stood across from her, studying her. The little boy was off in the corner just watching. Grace rolled her head to the side waking herself up. She yanked at the wrist straps angrily.

"There she is," The man clapped his hands together with a smile. Grace finally looked around noticing his little workshop.

"Nice little shop you got here," Grace breathed letting her eyes fall closed for a moment.

Fuck my life! Julius Winkman. What a nice man and his wife. Wow! She is a warm welcomer.

"I know you aren't Fittes or Rotwell," Julius said leaning against his workbench. He had mechanical shit all over. "You're familiar though?" He tapped his chin.

"I just have one of those faces," Grace gave him a weak smile. She just had distracted him for a while. "Where is the other one? I liked her more," Grace mocked trying to look behind her. She was trying to figure out how far they had dragged her.

"Oh, yes, my wife," He smiled moving towards her slowly. Like a predator stalking its prey. "She's a perfect one." He moved around her chair.

"Yeah, you got real lucky in the wife department," Grace yanked at the restraints. "Usually they are sane." Julius chuckled leaning towards her.

"Where's the fun in that," He stood in front of her now. "Who. Are. You."

"My name is Sara. What's yours?" Grace asked trying to play along.

"Found her!" Adelaide said coming in. "I knew we'd seen her somewhere." Grace watched the woman walk past her holding two pieces of paper. Newspapers.

Oh, come on! Is there anyone who doesn't have newspapers?

Grace let her head hit the wood of the chair as she sighed. Adelaide handed him the papers. He held one up in the air, looking between the photo and Grace.

"Have fun," Adelaide smiled walking past him. Julius stepped forward showing Grace the paper.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this Sara, but you have a family and they're all dead," He set the paper in her lap. Grace didn't look at it though. She didn't have to.

"Wow, never seen them before," Grace said holding eye contact with Julius. He smiled moving towards a board of switches and knobs.

"Fine," He snapped. "What are you here for Grace?"

"An item from my father," Grace made something up. On the spot. She was quite good at that.

"An item you say?" Julius rubbed his chin. "Gonna have to be a little more specific."

"It was a watch. The one he was wearing when he died," Grace glanced down at the paper. Julius dropped his arms and grabbed the newspaper looking at it once more.

"And that's it?" He asked raising a brow.

"That's it," Grace assured him. She hoped either they had found the mirror by now or gotten out. Julius narrowed his eyes at her for a moment. The silence made Grace's skin crawl. Grace heard Adelaide's heels as she came closer, although her steps were uneven.

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