Chapter 17: Clara

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Hank and Norman ate almost all the food I cooked for them, while Jasper hoarded the rest and fed tiny pieces to Ares.

They barely spoke and glared at each other over the campfire the whole time they ate. I sat next to Jasper and felt his hand rest lightly on the small of my back under my coat. His thumb made small circular movements. There was something deeply comforting in his touch, which suddenly frightened me. I'd never sought comfort from a man since George.

I glanced up at him, his brow was deeply furrowed, and his other hand constantly hovered next to his pistol. He was ready to draw and shoot at a moment's notice.

His steel grey eyes shifted down to meet mine for a split second, and his hard expression gave away no emotions, but his hand gripped me tighter.

Once we'd finished our breakfast, I couldn't help but notice how Hank and Normal set their bowls aside towards me and continued to stare daggers at Jasper. Then Jasper put his bowl with theirs, and they all sat there expectantly.

"Norman, clean the bowls," I snapped as I stood up.

Jasper glanced at me with surprise.

"What?" Norman whined.

"Now!" I growled. "Hank, a word," I indicated towards the horses.

Hank breathed out a heavy huff of annoyance, then stood up with a grunt and followed me.

Jasper stayed seething next to the fire, chewing some tobacco that Norman produced.

Men. Deadly enemies, but willing to share tobacco. And they think women are mysterious.

I went to stroke Lady's soft mane and feed her some oats. Her velvety lips tickled my palm as I spoke to her softly. I rubbed my face into her warm coat.

"Norman had better have treated her right," I muttered as Hank made his way next to me.

He nodded seriously, as he gazed down at me.

Hank was a big man, brown skin as thick as leather, an untamed beard and missing teeth, but it was also his pale eyes that frightened me most. That and his missing hand. He was the first man to ride with me, which is why the gang was named after his missing hand.

He was protective of me, and he loved me in his own way. But at times I knew he had a hard time taking my orders.

"He did, he always does," he answered roughly. The passed his thick fingers through his thinning hair. "A lawman Clara?"

I gave him a small smile as I stroked Lady. "He's helping me-"

"I know," he growled, glaring at Jasper. "Clara, I know yer a smart girl. But, I've got to tell you, men like that are bad for you, darlin'. He's using you, and then he'll arrest you and stuff you in a prison until the end of your days. If he doesn't have you hanged for your crimes."

"No," I shook my head. "He won't. He said-"

"He was lying, Clara. Lying so that he can fuck you and use you," he snapped.

"How dare you? I choose whom I sleep with!" I seethed.

"And you chose a lawman?" he pointed towards Jasper, who was staring in our direction, his hand resting on his pistol. "You are wanted in five different states, Clara."

"We made a deal, a clean slate to help him take down the Mealy Gang. It's a win-win situation."

"If he doesn't arrest you after. If he doesn't put you in cuffs and drag you in front of a judge."

"He won't! I won't let him."

"I think we should just shoot him."

"Hank," I gripped Lady's mane as she rested he big head on my shoulder. "If this deal goes sour, that will be my responsibility. The boys are dead. We just don't have the manpower to fight the Mealy Gang. And we're so close behind them, Hank. We've never been this close. We need him."

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