part 10 big friends

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on the way to little garden, we see the strawhats ship with many people doing many things

sanji was cooking food for mikita, vivi, alvida, and nami who were at the table while buggy and zoro while training. Usopp was practicing shots and making ammo

robin and luffy, however, were having quite the standoff

luffy would try every trick in the book to even get the slightest grin from robin

from making faces to impersonations

luffy: "no fair! why won't you laugh!"

robin: "tch as if I'd laugh at such idiocy"

luffy: "you're mean!"

luffy pouted 

in reality, robin was trying her best not to laugh, luffy was actually doing an extremely good job

what finally broke her was when luffy straightened up and looked proper while speaking in a gentle but teasing voice

luffy: "oh... aren't you going to laugh?"

robin laughed at the impersonation of herself

luffy: "HA i made you laugh!"

robin shut her mouth immediately not knowing what came over her, she hasn't laughed in years... and yet here she is captured and laughing at an impersonation of herself

suddenly they heard a shout from nami

nami: "luffy! we've arrived at little garden"

robin felt a bit smug, she knew that if she was captured crocodile would send help to the nearest location the log pose would direct to after the previous island

luffy walked out while carrying robin princess style much to her annoyance

luffy: "i wanna go explore!"

sanji: "just wait and I'll make you some food for on the way"

vivi and buggy: "I'll go as well!"

nami: "luffy you'll have to take robin with you"

luffy: "yeah but it's gonna be annoying to carry her the whole time"

mikita smirked a super smug grin

mikita: "here luffy use this"

mikita put a collar on robin handing luffy the leash after untying her

robin: "wh-what?!"

mikita stared into her soul

mikita: "remember that one time you insulted my favorite dress?"

robin: "it was an ugly dress!"

after a few minutes of arguing they were off well... before that

luffy: "you all make sure to protect your skin who knows whats in here"

everyone's jaws dropped


sanji, zoro and alvida decided to have a competition of who can get the most meat (alvida joined to 'win luffy's love with food')

this left mikita usopp and nami on the ship

buggy and vivi walked behind luffy with a sweat drop as luffy pulled robin along with him on a leash

robin was beet red in anger and embarrassment

luffy: "ah i missed- i mean this place is cool!"

the others looked at him confused, was he about to say he missed this place?

if luffy was sent back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now