Part 7 fillet the Fishman

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the sun arose as the five strawhats came out to see the 6th one still on the lookout

sanji: "luffy we're up now come down and have breakfast"

luffy yawned and came down

luffy: "morning!"

nami: "you should have breakfast and get some rest, after all, you gotta be ready to kick arlong's ass"

luffy nodded and went inside

zoro: "i still cant believe he took out mihawk in just one shot"

johnny: "yeah that was awesome"

. . .

strawhats - luffy: "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!?!?!"

yosuke: "we tied our ship to the back of yours"


buggy: "so did nobody see the swords he had with him?"

. . .

everyone: "swords?"

they went inside and luffy indeed had two swords

zoro: "luffy where'd you get those?"

usopp: "yeah they're really cool!"

luffy: "i can't tell ya it's a secret"

he smiled and brought his finger to his mouth making a shushing gesture

luffy: "but they're for zoro"

zoro's eyes widened

zoro: for me?

luffy: "yeah! you fight with three swords remember"

zoro walked over with a smirk picking up the swords

zoro: "what exceptional craftsmanship who could've made these"

luffy: "it's a secret!"


they all anchored near nami's village and walked there

everyone was shocked to find nami with pirates but after explaining what was going on everyone was excited

nami: "before you go I'm gonna quickly hide the treasure"

she brought the treasure they had to all the other treasure she has stolen happy to now know the town can keep it instead

but as in canon, the marines come to try and take it making nami realize arlong wasn't going to honor their deal anyway

but meanwhile with the strawhats nojiko was telling them nami's backstory which this time luffy already knew

but after hearing it again... he didn't just want to beat arlong... he wanted to kill arlong...

nami came back in tears

nami: "that bastard arlong was gonna cheat our deal!"

luffy walked to her putting his hat on her head shocking her

this hat... he trusted nobody with it... she was touched that luffy let her hold onto such an important item in his life

luffy: "everyone follow me if you want to watch us i don't care just don't get in my way"

luffy: "cmon guys let go"

the strawhats nodded


arlong was having a party with his crewmates when suddenly the door to arlong park was kicked down


if luffy was sent back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now