Part 6 simp chef part 3

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everyone was in shock as mihawk walked on board


mihawk stares at him in curiosity 

mihawk: "you can already tell the difference in our abilities right?, so why challenge me?"

zoro: "my ambition and goals drive me to beat you i need to become the best swordsman... for her..."

mihawk: "oh? and who is it you are referring to?"

zoro: "that doesn't matter right now... FIGHT ME MIHAWK!"

mihawk: "very well..."

mihawk grabbed his cross necklace and pulled out a knife from it

mihawk: "sorry i didn't have a smaller knife"

zoro: "HOW DARE YOU"


it's pretty much the same as canon

0:50 - 3:10

mihawk was about to slash zoro but fluffy caught the sword in his hand which was now obsidian black

zoro: "l-luffy?!"

mihawk: "what is the meaning of this?"

luffy: "look i get the swordsman respect stuff but i won't allow you to bring harm to my crew!"

zoro fell on his butt in shock

nami: "wh-what's he doing?!"

buggy: "he's gonna get himself killed!"

usopp: "LUFFY NOOO!"

luffy: "if you wanna fight someone"

he points at himself

luffy: "FIGHT ME!"

everyone looked at luffy as if he was a mad man

mihawk smirked

mihawk: "very well, i could sense your immense power anyway so i wanted a fight with you"

the fight began!

mihawk rushed at luffy who stood still despite the desperate pleas of his allies and others pleading him to move

just as mihawk swung luffy dodged and yawned

mihawk's eyes widened as he quickly slashed at luffy again but he missed

zoro: "wh-what?!"

luffy: "i said fight me why are you holding back?"

mihawk: "b-but I'm not- H-HOW"

luffy smirked

luffy: "my turn"


luffy slung his arm back as it came forward at immense speed hitting mihawk's face dead on

. . .

mihawk: "s-so what's your name and goal?"

luffy: "I'm monkey d luffy and I'm gonna be the pirate king"

mihawk smirked

mihawk: "so i just got defeated... by the future pirate king..."

he fell to the ground unconscious

if luffy was sent back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now